CFCC 2018-2019 Catalog & Student Handbook 
    Feb 07, 2025  
CFCC 2018-2019 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic Program Change

Students who desire to change from one academic program to another must see a Counselor to complete a Change of Program form.  The counselor will evaluate program requirements and prerequisites and advise the student of any academic deficiencies. Prior to March 2018, incoming transcripts were evaluated for specific majors. Beginning in March 2018, CFCC began to transfer in all courses that meet our transfer criteria. If a transcript was evaluated prior to March 2018 and the student is requesting to change their major, they will need to see a counselor to change their major and have their transcript re-evaluated.  Students should complete this process prior to any registration period.

Academic Program of Study

A Program of Study is a specific or specialized academic field. Students seeking a degree, diploma or certificate are enrolled in a program of study. All programs of study/curriculum programs can be found in our online catalog.

Attendance Policy

College instruction is designed for students to learn by way of class attendance, and regular attendance is a key to academic success.  Attendance is based on class meetings and calculated from the first class meeting, not based on when the student enrolls in the class.  Students are expected to punctually attend all class sessions in the courses for which they are registered.  Late arrivals and/or early departures may count toward total absences in classes.

Students who have not attended at least once by the 10 percent date of the class may be administratively dropped as a “No Show.”  No-Show students will be removed from the class roster and will not be allowed to continue in the class.

Within their respective departmental guidelines, instructors are responsible for stating their own course attendance and tardiness requirements on course syllabi distributed at the beginning of the academic term. It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the attendance requirements for each instructor and to understand how attendance in class might affect his or her final grade.  Regardless of how attendance is used in grading, faculty are required to keep a timely record of attendance for each student through the end of the semester using a college approved record keeping software. 

Attendance in online (Internet and Hybrid) courses is measured not only by completion of an initial enrollment verification assignment (within the first 10% of the semester) but also by completion of the required coursework and/or online participation, as defined by the instructor on the course syllabus.  In Hybrid courses, students MUST meet on the required meeting dates specified by the instructor (first class meeting, lab, etc.). See for course information.

Special note to Marine Technology students:  Students in the Marine Technology curriculum are at times involved in cruises on the ship that might take place during a holiday or semester break during which time students are normally off. When such occurs, students must participate in the cruise.

Veteran/Active Duty Military Attendance Policy

CFCC recognizes the unique situations that veteran/active duty students of the US Armed Forces and National Guard sometimes face which can affect their attendance.  If a  veteran/active duty military student receives orders for unexpected short-term deployment or training, or for medical appointments and/or hospitalization due to service related injuries, absences that result from these orders or appointments will not count toward the total number of absences allowable per the attendance policy of each class in which that student is enrolled.

A student seeking an excused absence should first present military orders and/or medical documentation from an approved provider (Military Hospitals, Veterans Healthcare Administration, and/or Veterans Choice Program) in relation to service-connected injuries to the Director of Veteran’s Affairs, to be shared with the respective department chair and the student’s instructor. CFCC will adhere to the  Excused Absence for Military Service policy, prescribed by the State Board of Community Colleges (SBCCC.500.1), for those service members forward deployed or in training, contingent upon orders submitted to the Director of Veteran’s Affairs.


The college acknowledges that some classes, such as biology and clinicals in allied health programs, have unique content; it may not be possible for a student to receive an extension on the assignments in these courses.


We also recognize that there will be unique cases that will require the exercise of sound judgment.  Instructors, department chairs, and the Director of Veteran Affairs will collectively discuss these cases to determine the best way  to assist veteran/active duty students in completing their course of study.

Students who are currently serving in the Guard/Reserve must adhere to the College’s No Show policy by attending all of their classes before the deployment or training begins. Students unable to attend class on or prior to the census date (10% point of class) should register for another class session when available.

Religious Observance Notification

Students will be allowed two days of excused absence each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of the student. Students are required to provide written notice of the request for an excused absence by completing the Religious Observance Absence form available in Student Services and Enrollment Management. The completed form must be submitted to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management or his/her designee a minimum of ten (10) school days prior to the religious observance. The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management or his/her designee will notify the instructor within three (3) school days of receiving the request. Students will be given the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to the excused absence and should work with their instructors in advance of the excused absence to delineate how to make up the missed coursework (N.C.G.S. 115D-5).

Catalog of Record

Students are expected to meet the catalog requirements in effect at the time of their enrollment into a curriculum program. Anyone not in continuous enrollment for more than one semester (not counting summer) will be readmitted under the requirements of the current catalog.  A student who changes programs must meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of the change of program.  A student’s academic advisor can recommend substitution of courses with adequate cause. Substitutions must have written approval from the instructor, department chair, and the dean. 

Most courses can be counted for credit toward graduation for an indefinite period of time.  Some courses that depend heavily on technology, speed and accuracy, physical skills, and language skills will be subject to review after five years unless the student has been continuously enrolled. Courses subject to review may include, but not limited to, keyboarding, computer, foreign languages, developmental, and trades courses. 

College Closings or Delays

In the event of inclement weather, Cape Fear Community College may close or delay classes depending on the weather forecast and local conditions. All official college closings and delays will be posted on the college web site at, myCFCC online portal, the CFCC Emergency Information Hotline (877) 799-2322, and through the local news media. Students who subscribe to the text messaging alert system through CFCC online portal will be notified of closings and delays through text messages. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these resources as soon as possible.

Inclement Weather

While the College makes every effort to provide a safe environment on campus, the College does not take responsibility for student safety while traveling to and from campus. During periods of inclement or hazardous weather, students must use their best judgment when deciding to come to class. College officials do not expect students to take extreme risks to their personal safety to attend class. However, if a student chooses not to come to class due to inclement weather when the college is open, the student will be counted as absent in accordance with the attendance policies for that student’s class(es).  Classes that are cancelled due to inclement weather may, at the discretion of a class’s instructor, be made up using the online or web-assisted components of those classes to deliver instruction.

Credit by Proficiency

For selected courses, students may request credit by proficiency examination for previous experience or training.  The student must be currently enrolled at CFCC and must not have enrolled in the course prior to taking the proficiency exam.  The student must request the Credit by Proficiency Application from the Registrar and have it approved by the department chair in order to challenge the course.  Students may challenge a course only once.  Students successfully passing a proficiency exam will receive credit for the course as a “CR” (credit for record).  Credit by Proficiency does not usually transfer.  CLEP and AP exams (see below) may be used in lieu of proficiency exams.

CLEP - College Level Examination Program®

The College-Level Examination Program® or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses.

CFCC may grant credit in appropriate courses on the basis of CLEP examination results. The following guide describes the cutoff scores and credits that may be earned through the CLEP. Credit may be awarded for other CLEP tests not listed. Students should submit official CLEP scores and meet with a counselor in Student Services and Enrollment Management prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.


  CFCC Credit Min.
Examination Course Hours Score
Accounting ACC 120   4 50
Biology BIO 110   4 50
Chemistry CHM 151 +lab 4 50
Information Systems & Computer Applications CIS 110   3 50
Prin. Of Public Speaking COM 231   3 50
Prin. Of Microeconomics ECO 251   3 50
Prin. Of Macroeconomics ECO 252   3 50
College Composition ENG 111  & ENG 112   6 50
College Comp Modular ENG 111   3 50
Analyzing & Interp. Lit. ENG 131   3 50
English Literature ENG 241   3 50
American Literature ENG 231   3 50
Western Civ. I HIS 121   3 50
Western Civ. II HIS 122   3 50
History of U.S. I HIS 131   3 50
History of U.S. II HIS 132   3 50
Humanities HUM 211 3 50
College Algebra MAT 171   4 50
Calculus MAT 271   4 50
Precalculus MAT 171  & MAT 172   8 50
Prin. of Marketing MKT 120   3 50
American Government POL 120   3 50
Intro. Psychology PSY 150   3 50
Human Growth and Development PSY 241   3 50
Educational Psy. PSY 263   3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 210   3 50
French FRE 111 &FRE 112   6 50
  FRE 211   *9 59
German GER 111 &GER 112   6 50
  GER 211   *9 60
Spanish SPA 111 &SPA 112   6 50
  SPA 211   *9 63

*Students achieving the cutoff score for 211 are also given credit for 111 and 112.

AP®- Advanced Placement

CFCC may grant credit in appropriate courses on the basis of AP® examination results. The following guide describes the cutoff scores and credits that may be earned through AP®. Credit may be awarded for other AP tests not listed. Students should submit official AP® scores prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.

  CFCC Credit  
Examination Score Course Hours
Art History 3 ART 114   3
Art 2D Design 3 ART 121   3
Art 3D Design 3 ART 122   3
Biology 3 BIO 111  & BIO 112   8
Chemistry 3 CHM 151  & CHM 152   8
Computer Science A 3 CIS 115   3
Microeconomics 3 ECO 251   3
Macroeconomics 3 ECO 252   3
English Lang & Comp 3 ENG 111  & ENG 112   6
Eng Lit & Comp 3 ENG 111  & 113 6
Environmental Science  3 ENV 110   3
French Language 3 FRE 111  & FRE 112   6
French Language 4 FRE 111  & FRE 112    
    FRE 211  & FRE 212   12
German Language 3 GER 111  & GER 112   6
German Language 4 GER 111  & GER 112    
    GER 211  & GER 212   12
Human Geography 3 GEO 112 3
World History 3 HIS 111 & HIS 112 6
European History 3 HIS 121  & HIS 122   6
US History 3 HIS 131  & HIS 132   6
Latin 3 LAT 111 & 112 6
Statistics 3 MAT 152   4
Calculus AB 3 MAT 271   4
Calculus BC 3 MAT 271  & MAT 272   8
Music Theory 3 MUS 121   4
Physics I 4 PHY 151   4
Physics C-Mechanics 3 PHY 131   4
Physics C-Elec/Mag 3 PHY 132   4
Physics B 3 PHY 151  & PHY 152   8
US Gov/Politics 3 POL 120   3
Comp.Gov/Politics 3 POL 210   3
Psychology 3 3 PSY 150   3
Spanish Language 3 SPA 111  & SPA 112   6
Spanish Language 4 SPA 111  & SPA 112    
    SPA 211  & SPA 212   12

IB (International Baccalaureate)

Students may receive credit by examination for achieving acceptable scores on the High Level (HL IB) International Baccalaureate examinations. Official test scores should be sent to the registrar’s office for evaluation prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement. CFCC only accepts certain exams of the “High Level.”

DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)

Students may receive credit by examination for achieving acceptable scores on the DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests).  Students should submit official DSST scores prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.


Credit for Prior Learning Experiences

In some circumstances, students may be eligible to receive academic credit for non-credit learning experiences. Examples of non-credit learning experiences include Continuing Education classes and programs, military education and training, industry-recognized certifications, and certain apprenticeship programs. A student may only petition for the conversion of non-credit learning experiences to academic credit for courses in the student’s declared curriculum program of study. No more than 25% of a student’s curriculum program credits will be awarded through the conversion of non-credit learning experiences. CFCC reserves the right to require documentation supporting the equivalent quality of the learning outcomes, instructional content, and instructor qualifications of any non-credit learning experiences for which a student petitions conversion to academic credit. CFCC will also require documentation that a student satisfactorily completed within the last five years any non-credit learning experiences for which the student petitions credit conversion. CFCC’s Chief Academic Officer must approve each student petition for credit conversion. Students who feel they may be eligible for the conversion of non-credit learning experiences to academic credit should contact their academic program’s director for additional information.

Educational Partnerships

Cape Fear Community College and its partners work together to provide a variety of academic, cultural, and work-based experiences designed to enhance the educational experience of students and improve the quality of life for local residents.

Partnerships with Business and Industry

Work Based Learning

CFCC partners with local business and industry to offer students on-the-job training opportunities through Work Based Learning. Participating students may earn college credit using approved work experience(s) specifically related to their educational program goals. Work Based Learning classes include WBL 110, WBL 111, WBL 112, WBL 115, WBL 121, WBL 125, and WBL 131. Employers and organizations interested in having a Work-Based-Learning student are urged to contact the Dean of Career and Technical Education at 910-362-7009 and see our web page:

Student Enrollment Criteria: To qualify for one of these classes, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old. Students under 18 years old may participate if they have approval from the college and worksite. They must also complete an online NCDOL Youth Employment Certificate. The responsibility for filing the certificate lies with the employer.
  • Must be enrolled in a program that offers WBL courses.
  • Transcripts or degree audit must be attached with your application.

Please Note: Individual programs may have additional requirements for enrolling in a Work-Based-Learning work experience course.

Registration Process: To register for a Work Based Learning course, a student must submit an application directly to the WBL instructor. After the college has approved the application, the student may register using WebAdvisor/Student Planning or through his/her academic advisor during the registration period. A Work Based Learning application is required each semester the student plans to enroll. The application is available online (

Please note: Work-Based-Learning courses may not transfer to four-year institutions. Students should always check with the receiving college or university to verify transferability of any course. The college reserves the right to limit work-based-learning experiences based on the appropriateness, applicability, and location of the position.

For more information, please see the Work Based Learning Web page: or contact the Dean of Career and Technical Education at 910-362-7009 or your lead instructor (AAS programs only).

Partnerships with Community Agencies

Service Learning

CFCC partners with local community service-based agencies to provide students enrolled in select classes the opportunity to complete service learning activities to fulfill requirements for a course project.  The goal of service learning is to integrate into an assignment meaningful community service activities that help students better understand the course content. These activities should:

  • Provide opportunity to apply ideas and theories learned in class to a reflective, service-based experience;
  • Help students become more interconnected with the community through their contributions.

For more information about service learning projects at CFCC, please see our web page:

History Teaching Alliance

The History Teaching Alliance (HTA), a partnership between CFCC, UNC-Wilmington, high schools, and local public historical sites and organizations, coordinates events designed to appeal to the intellectual curiosity of history educators and students.  For more information about the HTA, please see our Web page:

Partnerships with Four-Year Institutions:

CFCC partners with public and private North Carolina four-year colleges and universities to provide a clear pathway from associate degree coursework to baccalaureate studies.

Statewide Comprehensive Articulation Agreements: The following transfer articulation agreements between North Carolina community colleges and North Carolina colleges and universities provide qualifying AA, AE, AS, and AFA graduates clear guidelines for transferring from CFCC to a four-year college or university in North Carolina:

  • The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between North Carolina community colleges and North Carolina public universities.
  • The Uniform Articulation Agreement between the University Of North Carolina Baccalaureate Engineering Programs and North Carolina Community College System Associate in Engineering Programs.
  • The Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between North Carolina community colleges and 24 North Carolina independent colleges and universities.

Bilateral Agreements: CFCC and select UNC institutions have bilateral agreements that provide qualifying graduates of AA, AS, and some AAS programs a pathway for transferring coursework into a four-year degree.

Select AAS programs:

  • Qualifying graduates have the opportunity to transfer to UNC-Pembroke and earn a Bachelor’s of Interdisciplinary Studies through online learning courses or face-to-face courses that UNC-Pembroke offers on the campus of CFCC.
  • Qualifying graduates have the opportunity to transfer into UNC-Wilmington’s Education of Young Children bachelor’s program.
  • Qualifying graduates can transfer to NC Wesleyan College to earn either a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or a Bachelor of Science in Education. Both degrees are offered partly at a CFCC campus and partly online.

AA and AS (college transfer) programs:

  • CFCC and UNCW Bilateral Agreement: Qualifying graduates have assured acceptance into UNC-Wilmington, provided graduates have completed the UNC-Wilmington application process and met all criteria stipulated in its bilateral agreement with CFCC. Graduates are admitted to UNC-Wilmington on a space-available basis; spring applicants may be deferred to the FALL SEMESTER If space is not available. 
  • CFCC and NC Wesleyan College Bilateral Agreement: Qualifying graduates can transfer to NC Wesleyan College to earn either a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or a Bachelor of Science in Education. Both degrees are offered partly at a CFCC campus and partly online.

For more information, refer to the “College Transfer General Information and Articulation Agreements” section of this handbook and see our Web page:

The Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program (C-STEP) is a partnership between Cape Fear Community College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill made possible by a grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. The goal of C-STEP is to identify high-achieving, low-to moderate-income students who would not otherwise attend a selective college or university; to enroll these students in the Associate in Arts/Science program at one of the partnering community colleges; to mentor these students through successful completion of an Associate degree (AA/AS); to transfer these students, as juniors, to UNC-Chapel Hill; and to support their successful completion of a baccalaureate degree. Students who successfully complete their Associates degree (AA/AS), and remain in good standing with the C-STEP program are guaranteed eventual admission to the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.  Students who are interested in the program should contact the program Liaison via email -

Independent Study

CFCC provides the opportunity for students to pursue, on an individual basis, subjects in the students’ major area of study. Independent study is not intended, nor will it be allowed, as a substitute for existing courses as listed in the schedule of classes. If the student is preparing to complete the last full semester of study prior to graduation and the college is unable to offer a major course required for a degree, independent study may be considered. In an independent study arrangement, the student first seeks approval from the respective department chair who then works to identify an instructor to supervise the study. The chair will contact the student to let them know if there is an instructor available to supervise the study. The student then meets with the instructor. The instructor provides for a course outline and discusses course requirements and expectations with the student.  The instructor then notifies the appropriate chair who authorizes scheduling of the course. The number of credits may vary. Current tuition rates apply, as do standard grading policies. Independent study opportunities are for students who:

  • are currently enrolled in classes at CFCC
  • have earned a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA
  • have completed 12 credits in their major program of study
  • have met the pre-requisites and/or co requisites of the course proposed for independent study

Independent study courses are subject to the consent of the department chair and the availability of qualified instructors. Courses are run by semester and all work must be completed within the semester dates. Only one (1) course taken as independent study may be applied toward an associate degree, diploma, or certificate.

North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement

Through an agreement between the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Community College System, high school graduates are eligible to receive CFCC credits for certain courses upon presentation and evaluation of a high school transcript.  Courses eligible for CFCC credit can be found in the articulation agreement.  Copies of the agreement are located in the offices of high school counselors. Award of credit will only be given for courses that are required in a student’s CFCC program of study.  Criteria to award college credit:

  • Students must enroll at the community college within two years of their high school graduation date.
  • A grade of “B” or higher is required for the course.
  • A raw score of 90 or higher is required on the standardized Career and Technical Education (CTE) post-assessment score report.

Any student wishing to receive credit should submit both an official high school transcript and CTE post-assessment score report.  The Registrar’s Office should then be contacted for transcript evaluation.  


Grading and Grade Point Averages

Grading is done by the traditional method of “A” through “F.”  Grades are assigned a numerical value when determining a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).

Grading System

Quality Points
Grade Significance Per Semester Hour
A Superior  4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete n/a
W  Official Withdrawal n/a
XF Unofficial Withdrawal 0
AU Audit n/a
SR Senior Audit n/a
CR  Credit by Proficiency Exam n/a
CT  Credit by Transfer n/a
PA Passing (remedial courses only) n/a
PB  Passing (remedial courses only) n/a
PC Passing (remedial courses only)  n/a
R Repeat (remedial courses only) n/a

Grading Scale

The College grading scale is:

  A = 92 - 100  
  B = 84 - 91  
  C = 76 - 83  
  D = 68 - 75  
  F = 0 - 67  

Translating Course Grades into GPA

By taking the number of semester hours assigned to a course and multiplying them by the value of the grade, you determine the grade points for each course attempted.  Example:  If you take five courses that are assigned a total of 18 semester hours, you may determine your GPA in the following manner:

    Semester   Times    
    Hours   Grade   Equals
Course Grade Attempted   Value   Quality Points
1 B 2 X 3 = 6
2 A 6 X 4 = 24
3 C 4 X 2 = 8
4 B 3 X 3 = 9
5 F 3 X 0 = 0
TOTALS   18       47

Divide the total number of hours attempted into the total quality points and that will give you your GPA; in this case 2.61 is the GPA.

Final Grades

Final grades will be available through WebAdvisor/Student Planning for students after the end of each academic session.  Course grades, along with semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA), will be displayed.  Grade reports are no longer printed and mailed to students.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete (I) will be given only when circumstances justify additional time to complete the course. Students must contact the instructor to request an Incomplete Grade. When an incomplete is granted, the course requirements must be completed within six weeks of the beginning date of the next academic session. Incompletes (I) not finalized within the appropriate time frame will convert to an “F”. Exceptions may be made by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management.

Course Repeat Policy

Courses that are repeated fall into three different categories:

  1. Courses with an earned grade of “C” or better may be repeated two times.
  2. Courses with an earned grade of “D,” “F,” “W,” “WP,” “XF,” or “WF” may be repeated until successfully completed.
  3. Audit courses may be repeated a maximum of two times.

When a course has been repeated, the higher grade will be used in the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation.  Lower grades will be removed from GPA calculation; however, these grades will continue to appear on the academic transcript.

Students who receive veteran benefits or financial aid should be advised that they may not receive funds for repeating courses which they have already passed.

Also, students who have received a degree from CFCC should be advised that the policy will not apply to courses which were taken to fulfill previous graduation requirements.  A final student GPA is computed at the time of graduation, and this GPA may not be recalculated as courses are repeated.

Academic Forgiveness

Students may request in writing to the Registrar to have previous credits exempt from calculation in their cumulative grade point averages. Academic forgiveness is designed to assist returning students with low grades to have a fresh start upon re-enrolling after having at least a three year period of non-enrollment at CFCC. Prior to evaluation for academic forgiveness, the student must be re-admitted to the college, register and successfully complete the first semester of course work at the 100 level or above with a GPA of 2.0. Exceptions may be made by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management.

Grades which may be disregarded from students’ grade point averages are “F,” “XF,” “WF,” and “NC.”

Students granted academic forgiveness will have their cumulative grade point averages recalculated. While the forgiven grades will continue to appear on the official transcript, they will be marked as forgiven.

Academic forgiveness will be granted only one time and must be completed before graduation from a Cape Fear Community College Program.

Grades that are included in academic forgiveness are not exempt from academic progress relating to financial aid and VA educational benefits.

Academic forgiveness has no bearing on any other institution or how they calculate grade point averages.

Note: The three year period of non-enrollment starts the term after the last enrollment and goes for three years or nine full terms, For example, if the student stops attending after the Spring term, they must not be enrolled for nine full terms, Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall and Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring. The next Summer (or after) would be the term that they could return, achieve a 2.0 or higher, and then submit for academic forgiveness for courses that were taken prior to the non-enrollment.

Grade Appeal Procedure

The purpose of the Student Grade Appeal Procedure is to provide an orderly and equitable process for resolving differences between students and faculty relating to final grades where the student believes he/she is being treated unfairly or arbitrarily.


Step 1. The student with the conflict must first discuss the issue with the class instructor to attempt to resolve the difference. Every reasonable effort should be made to resolve the matter at Step 1. This initial conference must occur within fifteen (15) week days of the beginning of the subsequent school term. The instructor must notify his/her department chair of the grade appeal and provide written documentation.

Step 2. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached at Step 1, the student may contact the department chair seeking resolution. The student must contact the chair within ten (10) weekdays of the conference with the instructor. The department chair will seek equitable resolution by conferring with both the student and the instructor.

Step 3. If the student continues to be dissatisfied, he/she may, within five (5) weekdays of the date of notification of Step 2, file a written notice with the instructional dean responsible for the course in question. The dean will review and evaluate the conflict to determine what action, if any, should be taken to resolve the conflict. Written notification of that determination will be sent to the student within fifteen (15) weekdays of receipt of student’s written notice.

Step 4. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of Step 3, he/she may file a written grade appeal with the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management. Within ten (10) weekdays of receipt of the written appeal, the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will convene the Academic Subcommittee of the Judicial Board to hear the appeal and make a determination regarding the issue. The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will then notify, in writing, the student, the dean, the department chair, and the instructor of the Academic Subcommittee’s decision. The student may appeal the Academic Subcommittee’s decision to the President of the College or his/her designee. This appeal must be made within ten (10) weekdays of the student’s receipt of the Academic Subcommittee’s decision. The appeal process consists of the President of the College or his/her designee reviewing the written record submitted to date and does not involve an additional hearing. The President of the College or his/her designee will respond with his/her final decision to the appeal within ten (10) weekdays of receipt of the appeal. 

Students dismissed from the clinical area in Health Sciences and Nursing programs will follow the appeals process outlined in the program student handbook.

Satisfactory Progress Standards

Each student is expected to make satisfactory progress toward obtaining the degree, diploma, or certificate he/she has declared. The cumulative grade point average is reviewed at the end of each semester to determine whether the student has made the expected progress. The minimum cumulative GPA for remaining in good standing is a 2.0.

Academic Warning and Probation

Students whose cumulative grade point averages fall below Satisfactory Progress Standards (Cumulative 2.0 GPA) for any given semester will be placed on academic warning for the following semester. The notice of the warning will be sent to the students and their faculty advisor for documentation only. Students on academic warning are encouraged to access CFCC resources including the Learning Lab, Counseling, enrolling in ACA 111 or ACA 122, advisors, Disability Support Services, and/or Career Services.

Students on academic warning whose cumulative grade point average remains below the Satisfactory Progress Standards (Cumulative 2.0 GPA) for the subsequent semester will be placed on academic probation for the upcoming semester. Students and their faculty advisors will be notified of the academic probation. In addition, during the fall and spring semesters, students on academic probation may register for a maximum of ten (10) credit hours after meeting with their faculty advisor and/or a counselor to ensure academic success. During the summer session, students on academic probation may register for one course per session but not more than two for the entire summer semester.

Furthermore, students on academic probation whose cumulative grade point average remains below the Satisfactory Progress Standards (Cumulative 2.0 GPA) in any subsequent semester thereafter will remain on academic probation until the satisfactory progress standard (Cumulative 2.0 GPA) is met. Students on academic probation are encouraged to repeat courses in which they received failing grade, and may register for a maximum of six (6) credit hours per semester after meeting with their faculty advisor and/or a counselor to ensure academic success. Students will remain on academic probation with limited credit hour enrollment until their cumulative GPA reaches 2.0.

Students receiving financial aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to be eligible to continue to receive funding.  All earned grades will be used to determine a student’s compliance with the 2.0 cumulative GPA requirement, and all attempted hours will be included in the calculation of maximum time frame.

Academic Integrity / Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating is any practice which gives one student a dishonorable advantage over another student engaged in the same or similar course of study. It shall include, but is not limited to the following: securing or giving assistance during examinations or on required work; the improper use of books, notes, or other sources of information; or the altering of any grade or academic record.  Plagiarism includes submitting as one’s own work or creation of any kind that which is wholly or in part created by another. All sources, including Internet content, whether paraphrased or quoted, must be cited correctly. Direct quotes must have quotation marks around them, or they are considered plagiarism even if the quote is correctly cited. Rearranging parts of author’s sentences or substituting a few words is NOT paraphrasing and also constitutes plagiarism. When a faculty member observes cheating or acts of plagiarism on the part of the student, the case shall be handled in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. The faculty member shall notify the student who has been observed cheating or plagiarizing that he/she will receive a grade of “F” on the assignment or “F” in the course. The faculty member, however, shall afford the student an opportunity to clarify his/her position. If the student accepts a grade of “F” on the assignment, the student may remain in the class.
  2. The faculty member shall submit a written report of the incident stating the facts and the action taken to the department chair, the dean, and the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management within ten (10) weekdays from the time the incident was discovered.

Right of Appeal

To initiate an appeal of an action taken in response to a violation of academic integrity, the student must submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management within ten (10) weekdays after being notified of the action.  The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will present the appeal to the Academic Subcommittee of the Judicial Board within ten (10) weekdays.

The committee will provide written notification to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management of its decision.  The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will then notify the student, faculty, department chair, and dean of the committee’s decision. The student may appeal the Academic Subcommittee’s decision to the President of the College or his/her designee. This appeal must be made within ten (10) weekdays of the student’s receipt of the Academic Subcommittee’s decision. The appeal process consists of the President of the College or his/her designee reviewing the written record submitted to date and does not involve an additional hearing. The President of the College or his/her designee will respond with his/her final decision to the appeal within ten (10) weekdays of receipt of the appeal. 


Requirements for Graduation

To receive the Associate in Applied Science Degree, Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Fine Arts Degree, Associate in Science Degree, Diploma or Certificate, a student must maintain satisfactory grades in all laboratory and class subjects and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 (students must earn a minimum of 25 percent of credit hour requirements at Cape Fear Community College).

Computer Competency

All CFCC degree graduates must demonstrate basic computer competency.  Students in programs that require specific computer coursework may demonstrate their competency by successfully completing the computer class that has been designated in their program.  Students in programs that do not require specific computer coursework will need to pass the Computer Competency Test offered through the Learning Lab (second floor, Health Sciences/Learning Resource Center Addition).  Results will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and added to the student’s academic record prior to graduation.  Students may acquire basic computer instruction by successfully completing the computer class that has been designated in their program.

Students may demonstrate computer competency in one of the following ways: take the Computer Competency Test in the Learning Lab, or take a college transfer computer course: CIS 110, or CIS 115, or CSC 151.  CIS 111 may be used to satisfy the computer competency requirement, but it is not a College Transfer course.

Information and help for students electing to take the Computer Competency Test through the Learning Lab may be found at  Additional help may be found at  Students are advised to prepare for the test through materials found on these pages.

Intent to Graduate

Candidates for graduation must file an Intent to Graduate in WebAdvisor and complete the Graduating Student Opinion Survey by the following dates:

         Academic Year 2018-2019                                                         

  • Fall-Friday, November 2, 2018
  • Spring-Friday, March 15, 2019
  • Summer-Friday, June 14, 2019

Commencement exercises are held following the spring semester and at the end of the summer session.

Students who graduate in December are invited to participate in the May commencement exercises.

Upon graduation, a student’s Program of Study will end.  Therefore, students must contact the counseling offices to declare a new Program of Study if they plan to continue enrollment at CFCC.

Graduation Honors

President’s Award

Graduating students who have achieved an “A” average, defined as a cumulative grade point average of 4.0, by the end of the term preceding graduation are recognized each year at commencement exercises for academic excellence. Courses numbered below the 100 level are not used to determine Graduation Honors.


Departmental Honors

Students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, attitude and ability will be awarded Departmental Honors.  Recipients for these awards are selected by lead instructors in cooperation with appropriate faculty.

Graduation Needs

Orders for caps, gowns and class rings will be accepted by a company representative during announced dates. Students who anticipate graduating at the close of spring or summer academic sessions will be provided a limited number of commencement announcements.  Students completing graduation requirements at the close of the fall academic session will be invited to participate in the May ceremony.

Academic Honors

Academic Honors are calculated at the end of each term in which a student is enrolled and become part of the student’s permanent academic record.  Courses numbered below the 100 level are not used to determine Academic Honors.

President’s List

Full time students (12 or more credit hours during fall and spring semesters and 9 or more credit hours in the summer semester) who have earned a grade point average of 4.00 will be placed on the President’s List.

Dean’s List

Full time students (12 or more credit hours during fall and spring semesters and 9 or more credit hours in the summer semester) who have earned a grade point average of 3.50 with no grade lower than a “C” will be placed on the Dean’s List.

Honors List

Honors list students are part time, have completed at least 4 credit hours and earned a grade point average of 3.50 with no grade lower than a “C”.  Part time is 11 credit hours or less during the fall and spring semester and 8 or less during the summer semester.


myCFCC is a web-based portal that links all aspects of campus life to create a community environment. It provides services such as e-mail, campus announcements, message boards, calendars, and discussion groups. Accounts are created upon acceptance to the College. Students are encouraged to check myCFCC on a regular basis to receive important college information. A link to myCFCC is on the College’s website at

Student Advisement

Cape Fear Community College views student advisement as an important, on-going process. Each degree/diploma/certificate seeking student is assigned a faculty advisor who assists the student in selecting and scheduling appropriate classes to fulfill his/her educational requirements. Non-degree students are assigned a counselor as their advisor who assists in selecting and scheduling appropriate classes. The Academic Advising Center provides supplemental advising support to students and their assigned faculty advisors.

Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned faculty advisor each semester/session for assistance in scheduling classes. Students must accept the responsibility of familiarizing themselves with specific course, prerequisite, corequisite, and program requirements. While advising is an on-going process, specific times are designated prior to each registration period for advising.

WebAdvisor/Student Planning (Self Service)

WebAdvisor is a web-based portal that is accessed on the College’s website at or in the myCFCC portal.  Students may use WebAdvisor to update personal contact information, review or print a Program Evaluation, file an Intent to Graduate, or request withdrawal from a class using eWithdrawal.  Students are encouraged to use the Student Planning (Self Service) feature found within WebAdvisor to plan their entire program of study, register for classes, view class schedules, check grades, view unofficial transcripts, make payments, check financial aid information, and much more. 

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation is a tool for tracking graduation progress based on the student’s catalog of record.  Program Evaluation can be accessed through WebAdvisor and Student Planning (My Progress) so that students, advisors, and counselors can follow the progress towards completion of a degree, diploma or certificate.  Students can also use the system for “what if” scenarios when considering changing majors.