CFCC 2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook 
    Feb 15, 2025  
CFCC 2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Health & Safety

Health Services Weapons on Campus
Crime Awareness & Campus Safety Policies Communicable Disease Policy
Jeanne Clery Act Evacuation of Buildings & Emergency Evacuation
Behavioral Intervention Team Lost and Found

Health Services

Cape Fear Community College does not maintain health facilities or medical services. The responsibility for medical services rests with the student. In the case of illness or injury on campus, Emergency Medical Services may be called to assist individuals.

First aid kits are available in labs and the Student Services and Enrollment Management office.

Crime Awareness & Campus Safety Policies

I. Intro

The goal of Cape Fear Community College is to provide students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a safe educational environment. The Campus Safety Office is comprised of both sworn Law Enforcement and non-sworn Campus Security Officers, as well as, Parking Enforcement.  CFCC works in conjunction with New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Pender County Sheriff’s Office and Surf City Police Department, along with Allied Universal Security Services to patrol and protect our students, employees, guests, facilities and properties.

II. College Safety

Law Enforcement
Sworn Deputies/Officers are armed and identified by their uniforms, shoulder patch and badge. They have full authority on College property under the provisions of Chapter 17C of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina. Law enforcement commissions are granted under that statute by the Attorney General of North Carolina. Deputies/Officers possess all the powers to make arrests for both felonies and misdemeanors, as well as, charge for infractions within the agency’s jurisdiction. 

Non-sworn Campus Security Officers are unarmed and identified by the yellow or blue and black uniforms with a distinctive white and blue shoulder patch and security badge. They perform tasks such as providing escorts to/from class and/or vehicles, notifying law enforcement of suspicious individuals or activities, etc. Security Officers do not have the power of arrest.  An arrest (if necessary) will be referred to law enforcement.

Parking Enforcement
Parking Enforcement Officers are unarmed and are identified by the white and black uniforms with a distinctive shoulder patch, and badge. They assist with parking management and enforcement throughout campus, to include: ticketing, booting, towing and other parking specific violations.

III. Reporting and Notifications

Students who are victim, or witness, to a criminal incident, or are aware of a potential threat on campus have the responsibility to report it immediately to law enforcement.  Reporting a crime helps law enforcement agencies find and arrest a suspect, track criminal activity, recover stolen property and identify trends in various areas of the college and surrounding community to ensure a safe learning and working environment.

If you are, or feel like you’re in immediate danger, call 911. For any non-emergent situation, reporting, questions, or to request Security assistance, call 910-362-7855, Downtown Campus; 910-362-7580, North Campus; 910-362-7911, Burgaw Center; or 910-328-7711, Alston W. Burke Center.  

Emergency “Blue Light” Telephones:  Emergency phones are installed throughout CFCC campuses/centers, particularly in parking lots/decks and the more remote/secluded areas. Pressing the call button on this box will connect you immediately to the 911 Dispatch Center, which then notifies local law enforcement of an emergency.

Cape Fear Community College has an online incident reporting system where students may report concerns such as code of conduct violations, Title IX or sexual misconduct, concerning or threatening behavior, etc.  This incident report is located at

In addition, on CFCC’s Campus Safety website (, Students may utilize the link to “Submit a Crime Tip.”  This system directly links to the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.

*Of note, online reporting may be done anonymously, if desired.

Notification Systems
Cape Fear Community College has an Emergency Notification System intended to rapidly disseminate emergency information about an incident or emerging situation in addition to providing instructions to Students, Faculty and Staff.  In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the President, his/her senior administrative staff, or Campus Safety Coordinator is a potential threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued.  The warning will be issued through the most effective and efficient means available and may include text messages, emails, voicemails, and/or social media.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
Persons who have been convicted of an offense against a minor, or a sexually violent offense, are required by law to register with the Sheriff’s Department in the county and/or state where they reside. The law also requires that registered sex offenders must provide notice to an institution of higher education (post-secondary) that they have intentions to enroll as a  student, if conditions allow. Registered sex offenders who are attending in person, or located on college owned property and/or premises, without prior notification, and/or situational approval, will be in violation of NC G.S.14-208.18 and may be criminally charged.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act enacted on October 28, 2000, is a federal law that requires all colleges to issue a statement advising the campus community where information on registered sex offenders who are enrolled, employed or volunteering at Cape Fear Community College can be obtained.

Notifications of registered sex offenders are public knowledge and may be found at the following sites:

North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry:
U.S. Department of Justice, National Sex Offender Public Website:

*Approved by BOT: 11/16/2022

*Updated: 1/10/2023

Protect Yourself
Students and employees can do much to protect themselves from crime. Many crimes occur only because there was an opportunity for them to happen. For example, most crimes of theft are random, not calculated. They occur because personal property is left unattended. Locking doors and windows, securing valuables in your car trunk are methods of reducing temptation and opportunity which can result in a thwarted burglary or theft.  Personal protection is also important. When walking, plan the safest and most well-lit route. Be aware of your surroundings including persons, places, and things.  Remember, you can take steps to protect yourself from being the victim of a crime, educate yourself, protect yourself, and report all criminal activity or suspected criminal activity to local law enforcement agencies.

The Jeanne Clery Act

Cape Fear Community College seeks to protect the college learning environment and provide a safe campus for all students, faculty, staff and visitors while on college premises. CFCC complies with the Jeanne Clery Act that requires all colleges and universities who receive federal funding to share information publicly about crime on campus and their efforts to improve campus safety. Disclosure of the CFCC campus crime statistics (Clery Report) may be found at the following website for review:

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

Cape Fear Community College is committed to providing the best possible and working environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence. By establishing a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) at CFCC, formal lines of communication will be clear and efforts will be strengthened during heightened security threats at all college campuses and sites. The BIT will provide a college-wide, integrated approach to addressing extraordinary discipline and/or safety issues on campus. The ongoing development and coordination of a team of CFCC administrators to address crisis intervention situations will ultimately reinforce the college’s overall safety and security infrastructure.

Weapons on Campus

As stated in the North Carolina General Statute, G.S.14-269.2, it is unlawful for any person to possess or carry, openly or concealed, any weapon on campus, or any CFCC educational property.  This includes any person knowingly to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other weapon of any kind on educational property or to a curricular or extracurricular activity sponsored by the College.  Unauthorized weapons include, but are not limited to, bomb, grenade, mine, fireworks, or any explosive; any gun, rifle, air pistol/rifle, BB gun, stun gun, taser; bowie knife, dirk, dagger, switchblade knife; slingshot, leaded cane, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades, any sharp-pointed or edged instrument, or any other weapon of like kind. Exceptions may include instructional supplies; unaltered nail file or clips; ordinary pocket knife (closed position /carried in pocket or purse); tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance on the educational property.

The possession of a handgun by a person who has a concealed handgun permit valid under Chapter 14 Article 54B of the N.C.G.S., or is exempt from obtaining a permit according to that Article, as long as the handgun remains and is properly contained in the person’s locked vehicle or in a locked container securely affixed to the person’s vehicle. Authorized possession includes unlocking, entering and exiting the vehicle as necessary to properly contain the handgun for storage, conceal the handgun on the person or allow a passenger to enter the vehicle, as more specifically provided in N.C.G.S. 14-269.2(k).

Authorized possession may only include persons in law enforcement, those in legislative, executive and judicial branches of the government, as permitted by North Carolina General Statute, G.S. 14-269 and 14-269.2.

Individuals in violation of this College policy may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary action.  Students may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion and employees may be subject to disciplinary action up to termination.  Guests, visitors, and/or contractors found in violation of this policy may be permanently trespassed, or prohibited from returning to campus.

If you have any questions please refer to the North Carolina General Statute, G.S.14-269.2. Inquiries regarding the Weapons on Campus policy should be directed to CFCC Campus Safety.

Communicable Disease Policy 

As required by the State Board of Community Colleges, 1C SBCCC 200.94, CFCC is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment.  The purpose of this policy is to prevent and protect all students, faculty, staff and visitors from the spread of a communicable disease, while also prohibiting discrimination against persons with a reportable communicable disease.

A communicable disease is any condition that may be transmitted directly, or indirectly, to a person from an infected person whether via airborne or by physical contact.  As defined, a communicable disease is an illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products that arises through transmission of that agent or its products from an infected person, animal or reservoir, to a susceptible host, through an intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or the inanimate environment (Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2001).  By definition and determination by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the NC Department of Health and Human Services - Epidemiology (NCDHSS), any reportable communicable disease or condition must be evaluated and assessed by a medical physician to protect the health and safety of the College.

Students who suspect, or have reason to believe, that they have a communicable disease are expected to seek expert medical advice about their health circumstances and are obligated, legally and ethically, to conduct themselves responsibly for the protection of themselves and others. Students who know that they are infected with a communicable disease are encouraged to contact the Dean of Student Affairs, so that the College can assist in the appropriate response to their health and/or educational needs and can make any reasonable accommodations, if necessary.  As a general rule, individuals that have been diagnosed with a reportable communicable disease and have been cleared by a physician, and provide appropriate documentation, will be permitted to attend classes, access facilities, services, programs or activities provided by the College.  Additionally, all inquiries will be handled on a case-by-case basis to ensure the appropriate measures have been executed.

Students of the College who may be infected with a reportable communicable disease, as defined by the NCDHHS,  shall not be excluded from enrollment or restricted in their access to College facilities, services, programs, or activities, unless it has been determined by a healthcare professional and/or the NCDHHS that exclusion or restriction is reasonably necessary because the infected individual poses a significant risk of substantial harm to the health or safety of him/herself or others at the College that cannot be eliminated or reduced through other reasonable accommodations.

Specific health conditions and medical information will remain confidential, unless authorized by the individual in writing to be released, except when appropriate health care providers and/or College officials on a need to know basis and required by local, state and federal law to prevent and/or protect the surrounding community.

COVID-19 Procedures

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 should remain off campus, self-quarantine, and contact the Campus Health Hotline at 910-362-7725, and their instructor(s) to provide official notification to the College.  The College will help students determine an appropriate clearance/return date to campus, and the Dean of Students will work collaboratively with faculty to ensure academic progress can continue during a student’s period of quarantine.

Please refer to the Excused Absences due to Public Health Emergencies policy in the student handbook for further guidance regarding these procedures.

Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Cape Fear Community College is committed to the safety of our students, faculty and staff.  Accordingly, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) may be required for students and visitors to campus in certain areas or within classroom or laboratory spaces as directed by instructors and/or external requirements such as those set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  Notification will be provided on our website and other media when PPE is required in CFCC buildings and public spaces due to a public health emergency. PPE requirements for specific classes and instructional spaces will be listed on class syllabi. 

Evacuation of Buildings & Emergency Evacuation

Evacuation of Buildings

An evacuation diagram is located on each floor and in each room of every building. The primary route for evacuating a building is indicated by a solid red line. If, for any reason, the primary route is blocked, use the secondary escape route indicated by a broken red line on the diagram.  All occupants will follow this procedure unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or security officials.  Those persons needing assistance should wait in the designated Areas of Rescue for help.  

Emergency Evacuation

Everyone must exit the building when the fire alarm sounds.  IT IS NOT AN OPTION TO REMAIN IN THE BUILDING.  Treat all alarms as the real thing.  Students should take all personal belongings with them when evacuating the building.

Lost and Found

The Campus Safety Office will accept articles found on campus. If contact information is available, the owners will be notified.  Inquiries about lost or misplaced articles may be made by calling Campus Security at (910) 362-7855. Anyone claiming property must be prepared to present proper identification and sign for returned items. Articles will be held for thirty days and then donated to charitable organizations and/or departments within CFCC.