CFCC 2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook 
    Mar 31, 2025  
CFCC 2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Getting Started at CFCC

Admissions  Online Learning
Tuition & Fees Catalog of Record
Financial Aid Credit by Proficiency
Registering for Classes Career & College Promise (Dual Enrollment/Early College)
Academic Advising  myCFCC
Academic Advising Center Where to Go for What



Cape Fear Community College operates under an open door admission policy. This means the College is here to assist anyone who can benefit from a CFCC education. To enroll, students must either be a high school graduate (or equivalent) or at least 18 years of age. While CFCC advises all students seek a high school diploma or equivalent, admission to certain certificate programs may be granted without prior completion of a high school diploma or equivalency. In addition, admission to the college does not mean that students will be admitted immediately to a program with specified admissions requirements.

General Admissions Process

First-Year Applicants:

Admission to CFCC requires the following:

  • Admissions Application – the application can be accessed online at
  • Residency Application – the residency application is available via the Residency Determination Service at  Residency determination establishes if a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition.  This is required for all students.
  • Official secondary transcript or equivalency (accepted equivalencies include: GED®/HiSET/TASC)

Students are required to submit official high school transcripts with a graduation date or equivalent transcripts with a completion date. Home school students must submit a copy of the home school’s approved registration from the state in which they are registered (if applicable) and a home school transcript with graduation date. 

High school and home school seniors may be provisionally admitted upon receipt of an official transcript indicating they are a current high school senior. Students admitted provisionally are required to submit final/official transcripts with a graduation date prior to the first day of classes for the sessiion in which the student wishes to enroll and are not eligible for financial aid until the final/official transcript is received.

If you have earned an associate’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university, you may submit an official college transcript with a graduation date in place of an official high school transcript.

Students wishing to access veteran’s benefits are required to submit official transcripts from all schools attended.

In addition to general admission requirements, some programs, including health sciences and Basic Law Enforcement Training, have additional admission requirements, including an approved official high school transcript with a graduation date.

Foreign Transcripts:

Foreign transcripts must be evaluated and translated (if applicable), by a current member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ( or a current member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators ( Completed evaluations, along with copies of the original transcript(s), should be sent directly from the evaluation agency to CFCC Admissions. If the evaluation is sent directly to you, in order for it to be considered official, it must remain in the original sealed envelope. Once opened, it is no longer considered official.

Transfer Applicants:

If you have previously attended a college or university, please follow the general admissions process.  While it’s not required to submit official college transcripts for general admission, transcripts are required to earn transfer credit, potentially waive placement testing (if applicable), and receive veterans’ benefits. Only courses with a grade of “C-“or higher from an accredited college or university are transferable. 

Questions regarding your transcript evaluation should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.  As part of the enrollment process, you will be required to provide a valid Residency Certification Number from the State of North Carolina or complete a Residency Application with the Residency Determination Service (RDS) at RDS determines if you will pay in-state or out-of-state tuition.

Students interested in health science programs are required to submit transcripts in advance of individual program deadlines. Visit for more information.  

Additional Information Regarding Transfer Credit:

Credits are transferable from regionally accredited two and four year institutions within the United States. Courses are transferred that compare in content, quality and credit hours to those offered within the North Carolina Community College System.

Transcripts from institutions that are not regionally accredited are not evaluated by CFCC since the coursework is not generally accepted. A student may request to have the chairperson of the department under which the transfer coursework falls review the coursework to see if it may be accepted by CFCC. If the chairperson decides to award credit, he or she must notify the Registrar’s office in writing, who will then post the appropriate credit to the student’s record. It is the student’s responsibility to provide all the documentation necessary to complete the evaluation, including course descriptions, syllabi, and any other materials requested by the department chair.  Any final decision regarding the acceptance of credits from unaccredited institutions is subject to approval by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  For information about requesting an evaluation of credits from an institution without regional accreditation, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office

Transcripts of course work completed at a college or university located outside of the United States must be accompanied by a certified English translation course evaluation and course descriptions. Transcripts must be evaluated and translated by a CFCC approved agency. Qualifying evaluations include those approved by a NACES ( or AICE ( member evaluator before CFCC will review transcripts for admission or transfer credit purposes. An official copy of the evaluation must be sent directly to CFCC or presented in a sealed/official envelope.

Credit for Military Experience–Veteran applicants should submit an official military transcript to the College in order to request credit for previous military experience and training. The College grants credit where applicable for military service schools in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Education’s Guide To The Evaluation Of Educational Experiences In The Armed Services. Credit recommended must be consistent with the requirements and objectives of an academic program in order to be granted. Students should be aware that the transferability of these credits is totally at the discretion of the receiving institution and that Cape Fear Community College makes no guarantee of such transfer.

Some courses that depend heavily on technology, speed and accuracy, physical skills, and/or language skills will be subject to review after five years unless the student has been continuously enrolled. Courses subject to review may include, but not limited to, computer, foreign languages, sciences, and trades courses.  CFCC reserves the right to not award credit based on the discretion of the appropriate academic area.

Credits transferred from other institutions will be noted on the student’s CFCC transcript. Grades achieved at other institutions will not be used in the grade point average computation at CFCC.

Credit gained through advanced placement testing will require official transcripts from the testing agency.

Experiential learning, proficiency testing from other institutions, and work based learning experience that was evaluated by another institution will not be transferred as course work to CFCC.

Students who wish to receive transfer credit should submit official copies of all transcripts two weeks prior to registration so that evaluation of transfer credit can be completed.  It is the student’s responsibility to provide transcripts and to make the college aware of potential transfer credits. Students should not sign up for courses for which they could potentially be awarded transfer credit for. Students who choose to remain in courses that they may receive transfer credit for are subject to the college’s stated refund policy if they decide to drop the course after courses begin. Faxed transcripts are not acceptable.

To receive a degree, diploma or certificate from CFCC, transfer students must complete at least 25 percent of program requirements from CFCC.

Re-Admission of Curriculum Students:

Students (including CFCC graduates) returning to CFCC who have not been enrolled for one (1) or more academic years must submit a new admissions application.  If you have had a period of non-enrollment, you may be required to complete the Residency Determination Service Application. This application determines if you will pay in-state or out-of-state tuition and is mandated by the State of North Carolina via the Residency Determination Service. For further information, please see the General Admissions Process.

Health Science Enrollment Center (HSEC) / Health Science Programs:

The HSEC is an information portal for students interested in the health care field.  Students can get information about CFCC’s health-related programs through Curriculum and /or Economic and Workforce Development.  The college offers programs that are selective admissions or open enrollment.  The staff in the center are available to help students understand specific program requirements and the scope of the various professions.  They can make referrals based on the student’s needs, including career exploration.  The Health Science Center is located on the Wilmington Campus on the second floor of Union Station (U-297), and can be reached by phone at 910-362-7139 or by email at For additional information and to review selective admission programs, please visit the appropriate academic program page or Health Science Enrollment Center section of the CFCC website. 

Selective Admission Health Science Programs:

Associate Degree Nursing (AAS)

Associate Degree Nursing Transition (AAS)

Cardiovascular Sonography (AAS & Diploma)

Dental Assisting (Diploma)

Dental Hygiene (AAS)

Medical Assisting (AAS & Diploma)

Medical Sonography (AAS)

Nurse Aid (CCP, High School only)

Occupational Therapy Assistant (AAS)

Pharmacy Technology (AAS & Diploma)

Practical Nursing (Diploma)

PN to RN Accelerated Path (AAS)

Radiography (AAS)

Surgical Technology (AAS)

Veterinary Medical Technology (AAS)

In addition to meeting general college admission requirements, students applying to selective admission programs must first meet program specific requirements. These include:

·         Complete the college and program application processes by established deadlines

·         Ensure that official high school and college transcripts (if applicable) are on file at CFCC

·         Meet CFCC minimum GPA requirements

·         Meet minimum English and math requirements

·         Meet science course requirements

·         Meet any additional requirements as described in the information packets of each selective health science program (these are accessible at the individual health science webpage)

An overview of these requirements can be found at:  and

Open Enrollment Health Science Programs:

Emergency Medical Science (Curriculum and Workforce Development)

Health and Fitness Science (Curriculum only)

Nurse Aid (Workforce Development only)

Phlebotomy (Workforce Development only)

Substance Abuse Counseling (Curriculum and Workforce Development)

In addition to the above listed programs, CFCC also offers a variety of health science career paths that reflect market needs through the Economic and Workforce Development department. These can be accessed at:

Admission as a Special Credit Student (Non-Degree Seeking):

Students who do not wish to enter a degree, diploma, or certificate program may enter CFCC as “special credit” students. To be admitted as a Special Credit student, the student need only submit a completed college application, residency determination, and must be 18 years of age or older. Special credit students must meet course prerequisites. Admission as a special credit student does not constitute admission to any curriculum program. Students who enter a curriculum program from special credit status must meet all admissions requirements prior to time of registration. Special Credit students are not eligible to receive financial aid or Veteran’s benefits.

Admission of Visiting Students:

Visiting students are those who are admitted and enrolled at another college or university and wish to enroll at CFCC to supplement their coursework.  Applicants should follow the general admissions process and select “visiting student or special credit” as the program of study/major on the admission application. Visiting students must meet and verify course prerequisites prior to registration.

Provisional Admission:

Provisional admission is granted prior to the last day to register. Students whose official high school transcripts have not been received by the Admissions Office at the time of registration may be admitted provisionally. Financial Aid will not be available to a student who is provisionally accepted until the final official transcript is received in the Admissions Office. All admissions requirements must be met within thirty (30) calendar days from the first day of the academic session. Those students who do not meet admissions requirements within thirty (30) calendar days may be dropped from courses. Students will not be allowed to register for upcoming semesters until all admission requirements are met.

Admission of International Students:

Cape Fear Community College does not issue the necessary documents to obtain the F, J, or M student visas. Other visas may be acceptable for admission. Contact the Director of Admissions for further information.

Undocumented Immigrants & Deferred Action Childhood Arrival (DACA) Students:

Undocumented Immigrants

According to state board code 1D SBCCC 400.2 Admission to Colleges, community colleges shall admit an undocumented immigrant only if he or she attended and graduated from a US public high school, private high school, or home school that operates in compliance with State or local law.  Undocumented immigrants will be charged the out-of-state tuition rate, can be prohibited from enrolling in programs that lead to professional licenses, and are required to register on the final day of registration.

DACA Students

Current North Carolina Community College System policy allows DACA applicants to enroll at CFCC at the out-of-state tuition cost. Acceptance to the college does not guarantee admission to certain programs.

Pre-Registration Requirements:

Prior to registering for classes, students must:

  • Complete Orientation
  • Determine Course Placement    

    • Students who graduated from a US public, private, or home school will be placed based on their unweighted high school GPA.

    • Students who earned the GED from 2014-present will be placed based on their GED scores.

    • Students who graduated high school more than 10 years ago or who have an Adult High School Diploma, GED prior to 2014, HiSet, TASC, or Foreign High School Diploma have the option to take a placement test to improve their course placement.  Placement testing is not required in order to be admitted to the college.  

Information about other ways course placement can be improved besides placement testing can be found here:

Students who are eligible to test and would like to take the placement test in order to improve course placement can visit the Testing Services homepage to learn more about how to schedule the placement test:

There is no charge for the placement test. You may take the placement test twice (one initial test and one retest). In order to request accommodations based on a documented disability, requests for approval, assistance, and scheduling must be arranged through CFCC’s Disability Support Services office (910-362-7800).

Medical Examinations:

A medical history and/or drug screening is required for certain programs, including Marine Technology and Health Sciences programs. Students are notified of this requirement as applicable to their programs of study. Contact Program Director or Department Chair for further information.

Right to Deny Admission:

The College reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any applicant during any period of time that the student is suspended or expelled from any other educational entity. 23 SBCCC 02C.0301 (d).

The College reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant if it is necessary to protect the safety of the applicant or other individuals. 23 SBCCC 02C.0301 (e) and (f).

Applicants who are refused admission have the right to an appeal. To initiate such an appeal, the applicant must submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management within five (5) calendar days after being notified of the refusal to admit. The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will present the appeal to the Judicial Board within (5) calendar days of receipt of the written appeal. If the student wishes to appear before the Judicial Board, the request must be included in the written appeal. The Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will notify the applicant of the Judicial Board’s decision. The decision of the Judicial Board shall be final with no further appeals.

Contacting the Office of Admissions

Mail official correspondence to:

Office of Admissions

Cape Fear Community College

411 North Front Street

Wilmington, NC 28401

Official Documentation Statement:

High school transcripts, equivalency score reports, ACT/SAT score reports, college transcripts, and other official documentation related to admission, must be received directly from the high school or organization by mail or electronically from an approved provider.  Official electronic transcripts should be e-mailed to (this must be from an approved agency or organization).  If you have questions regarding your documents, please contact the Registrar or Admission Office.

Campus Visits

Cape Fear Community College encourages prospective students and parents to visit the campus and tour our facilities. Guided tours may be scheduled Monday through Friday when classes are in session. Appointments are necessary to ensure that appropriate staff will be available to answer questions. Information pertaining to academic programs, student services, and the admissions/registration processes will be presented during the tour. Tour dates and times are available on the College’s website at


The College does not have housing facilities. However, upon request and if known, college officials will provide students information concerning available housing.  Students are advised to have a clear understanding with landlords regarding all rental and/or lease agreements.  Students are urged to make housing arrangements well in advance of enrollment.

Supplemental Studies

To help ensure student success, the college offers courses to students who need help in the basic skills: mathematics, reading, and writing.  These courses are required for those students who have been identified as needing enhancement in these skills.

Supplemental courses count toward registered credits as it applies to financial aid, veterans benefits, and enrollment status. These courses do not count as attempted or earned hours, nor do they count in a student’s academic grade-point average.

CFCC will recognize courses completed with an equivalent grade of “C” or above at other North Carolina accredited institutions. The transfer evaluation will be used for class placement by the advisor.

Please Note:

Prerequisites: A course taken prior to another course.

Corequisites: A course taken at the same time as another course or prior to the course to be taken.

Some courses in communications, humanities/fine arts, mathematics, natural science, or social/behavioral science may fulfill a general education requirement in one of the following programs: AA (Associate in Arts), AS (Associate in Science), AFA (Associate in Fine Arts), AGE (Associate in General Education), AAS (Associate in Applied Science), DIP (Diploma), or CER (Certificate). Please refer to the programs of study section of this catalog for courses that satisfy each program’s general education requirements.


The Student Services and Enrollment Management Division offers an in-person orientation to acquaint new students to the College, its facilities, resources, services, activities, organizations, and policies. This orientation is mandatory for all new students prior to class registration.


Course placement for all applicants to the college is determined by the unweighted high school GPA. Some applicants to degree, diploma, and certain certificate programs may have the option to take the RISE placement test in order to improve curriculum course placement.  The placement test is not an entrance exam.  The primary purpose of the placement test is to determine the individual’s skill level and readiness. Test results will be used to determine the need, if any, for supplemental placement. 

Placement tests are administered in the following areas: English and Math. 

Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence: RISE

Beginning academic year 2020/21, students’ math and English placement will be determined primarily by their unweighted high school GPA using the following guidelines:

  • Students with a GPA of 2.8 or higher may register for college-level math and English courses.
  • Students with a GPA of 2.2 to 2.799 may register for college-level math and English courses with required corequisite support courses.
  • Students with a GPA below 2.2 will be required to enroll in math and English transition courses through the Learning Resource Center (Curriculum) or Academic & Career Readiness (Continuing Education).

Students who graduated from high school more than 10 years ago or who graduated from an Adult High School or Foreign High School or received a pre-2014 GED high school credential or a HiSet or TASC high school credential are eligible to take the placement test to improve course placement.  Placement testing is not required for admission to the College. 

The RISE Placement Test

The The RISE Placement Test is an un-timed test taken on a computer. Fluency using a computer is not needed to take the test. The test is divided into two sections: English and Math. There is no fee for the test.

Testers need to bring a picture ID when coming to a test session. Testers should arrive at the testing center fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the testing session. Parking for testers is available in visitor parking on the open surface lots on the Wilmington or North Campuses.

Testers can access the testing schedule and sign up for a testing session by visiting the Testing Services website:

Testing is generally offered every week that the college is open. To request accommodations based on a documented disability, requests for approval, assistance, and scheduling must be arranged through CFCC’s Disability Support Services office (910-362-7800).

A schedule of dates/times of the Placement Tests can be obtained from CFCC’s website: .  

Testing for First Responder Programs:

Applicants to First Responder Programs that require pre-admissions tests will be referred to Testing Services for testing and be given information by the programs regarding what tests they need to take. 

Retest Policy  

Testers may only take the placement test twice.

High School Equivalency Exam Testing

The General Educational Development (GED®) Exam is a computer based High School Equivalency (HSE) test administered at CFCC. GED® exam registration is done on the website Please see CFCC’s Academic and Career Readiness Dept. for information about taking GED® classes to help prepare for GED® exams.

Where to Go for What

Academic Advising Assigned Advisor
Academic Honors Catalog/Registrar
Academic Probation Student Success Center
Accessibility Issues Disability Support Services
Admissions Office of Admissions
Address Change Registrar
Advanced Placement Credit Registrar
Athletics Athletics & Student Activities
Attendance/Absences Instructor
Books/Supplies Campus Bookstore
Bulletin Boards Office of VP Student Services and Enrollment Management
CFCC Online Portal/WebAdvisor Access Student Help Desk
Career Development Academic Advising Center
Change Program/Major Academic Advising Center
Clubs and Organizations Student Activities
Course Selection Faculty Advisor/Academic Advising Center
Drop a Course Registrar/Academic Advising Center
Emergencies Campus Safety
Tuition & Fees Business Office
Financial Aid Financial Aid Office
First Aid Labs/Campus Safety
Personal Enrichment & Workforce Development Continuing Education
Grading System Catalog/Registrar
Insurance Business Office
Lost & Found Campus Safety
Parking Permits/Regulations Business Office
Personal Counseling Counseling
Registration Academic Advising Center
ID Card-Wilmington Campus Business Office, Wilmington Campus
ID Card-North Campus Business Office, North Campus
Testing Testing Services
Transcripts Registrar
Transfer Counseling Academic Advising Center
Transfer Student Planning Academic Advising Center
Tutoring Learning Lab
Veterans Financial Aid/Veteran’s Center
Withdrawal from a Course Registrar/Counseling

Tuition & Fees

Tuition is established by the North Carolina State Legislature and is subject to change without prior notification. Current tuition costs can be found on the College’s website at, or in the Admissions Office.

Tuition is due and payable on the day of registration unless otherwise noted. Any deferred payment or exceptions must be approved by the Vice President for Business Services. Self-supporting classes are not free for any student. If tuition is a major factor in the student’s determination to attend CFCC, the student should contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible.

Students who register for a course and do not attend at least once during the first 10 percent of the course will be dropped as a no show and not allowed to proceed with the course.

Payments can be made by cash, check, debit card, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. WebAdvisor/Self Service  is available for making payments by debit, credit cards and checks. Payments are not accepted via the telephone.  There is a third party Payment Plan option available on the website if you need to make monthly payments.

Student Fees

A non-refundable student fee is charged to all curriculum students for the Fall and Spring semesters. This fee is due and payable on the day of registration. The maximum fee charged is $105.00 per academic year, but is subject to change.

Funds collected from activity fees are used to support the costs of student publications, athletics, social activities sponsored by the Student Government Association, and student identification cards.

In the fall of 2003, the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Community College approved a non-refundable “Technology Fee” to be charged to all curriculum students for the Fall, Spring and Summer sessions. The $3.00 per credit hour fee, not to exceed $48.00 in a semester, is due and payable on the day of registration.

Refund of Tuition

A 100 percent tuition refund will be made if the pre-registered curriculum student officially drops any/all classes prior to the first day of the College’s academic session/semester. Students are also eligible for a 100 percent tuition refund if the College cancels the class. Drops within the 75% refund period must be processed online through  WebAdvisor/Self Service.

A 75 percent refund will be made if the student officially drops a class(es) during the period starting from the first day and ending on the 10 percent day of the course. 

Classes beginning at times other than the first week (seven calendar days) of the semester

A 100 percent refund shall be made if the student officially drops from the class prior to the first class meeting. Students are also eligible for a 100 percent tuition refund if the College cancels the class. 

A 75 percent refund shall be made if the student officially drops from the class prior to or on the 10 percent point of the class. 

Students who have not attended at least once by the 10 percent date of the class will be dropped by the instructor as a “No Show” and not allowed to continue with the course.

Return Check Guidelines

Tuition payment made with a check returned by the bank will be considered nonpayment of tuition. Students will lose their classes or will not be able to attend classes until full restitution is made. Absences incurred due to nonpayment of fees will be counted in accordance with the College’s attendance policy.

A returned check processing fee will be charged in the amount of $35.00 for a paper check or e-check when payment is refused by the bank for any reason.

Tuition Refund Appeal Procedure

Tuition refund appeals must be in writing and are reviewed by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management and appropriate area staff (in direct consultation with the Business Office). Appeals that do not represent a sound basis for reimbursement will be denied.

Written notification of approval/denial of appeals normally occurs within two weeks.

If a tuition refund appeal is denied by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, a second-level appeal may be initiated by a student in writing. The Executive Vice President (or designee) conducts the second-level review. The Executive Vice President (or designee) will respond to a second-level appeal in writing within 10 working days. The decision made at the second level is final.  Should an appeal be approved, Cape Fear Community College will promptly refund tuition and/or cancel a financial charge from a student’s account.

Submitting an Appeal

Tuition refund appeals will not be considered unless the student has officially withdrawn from the class(es). Students who are receiving financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawal to determine what effect this action may have on future financial aid eligibility and/or balances that may be owed if students withdraw from all classes before the 60% point. All tuition appeals must be in writing and submitted with supporting documentation to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management no later than fifteen (15) workdays after the start of the subsequent school term.

Tuition appeals may generally be approved for the following reasons as long as the appropriate written supporting documentation is provided

  • Extended incapacitation/hospitalization of the student (which caused the student to miss 20 percent or more of scheduled instruction) documented by a physician’s statement on the doctor’s official letterhead (copies of the student’s medical records will not be accepted). This must be an unscheduled medical emergency diagnosed after the last day to drop for tuition refund. The physician’s letter (on his/her letterhead) must include the date the student was first seen for the medical condition, as well as the beginning and ending date the student was incapacitated/hospitalized and must state that the student was physically unable to participate in classes during this period of time. A letter that does not specifically state, “the student was physically unable to attend classes” will not be grounds to approve an appeal.
  • Extended incapacitation/hospitalization or death of a student’s immediate family member (which caused the student to miss 20 percent or more of the scheduled instruction) – verified with appropriate documentation. Immediate family is defined as father, mother, spouse, child, sibling, stepfather, stepmother, stepchild, stepbrother or step sister.

  • Administrative difficulties with internships, placements or practicums involving the single enrollment of a student with supporting material from placement official.

  • Late notifications of denial to a specific degree program with supporting documents.

  • Institutional errors by CFCC that cause the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or the delivery of financial aid funds.


*Other items may be considered with valid supporting documentation and/or evidence.


Tuition appeals will not be approved in the following instances:


  • Personal errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving transportation, availability of finances, academic ability, time management, etc.
  • Misinterpretation or lack of knowledge of college policies and procedures as published in the CFCC Catalog & Student Handbook or CFCC Schedule of Classes.
  • Dissatisfaction with course content; issues concerning academic instruction must be addressed with the appropriate Department Chair and/or Academic Dean.
  • Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course(s).
  • Non-attendance or minimal attendance of class.
  • Inadequate investigation of course requirements prior to registration and attendance.
  • Non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility for financial aid or scholarship.
  • Non-receipt of mail or electronic mail due to obsolete address on file with the Registrar’s Office.
  • Changes of, or personal conflicts with, the instructor of record.
  • Student error resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or the delivery of financial aid funds.
  • Voluntary/involuntary acceptance of employment or other activity affecting the ability to attend class. (i.e. work schedule/hours changed; lack of childcare; vacation).

  • Incarceration in a civilian or military facility.

  • Other reasons not already specified.

*Last updated: Approved 1/19/17*

Statement on Involuntary Military Orders*

Involuntary changes in military orders that result in the active duty member moving outside the New Hanover or Pender County areas are automatically refunded 100% of tuition, unless the active duty member decides to remain enrolled in online classes after redeployment. Such changes will be documented by the commanding officer or the student providing valid and properly endorsed orders (includes dependents enrolled at Cape Fear Community College).

Orders must be Permanent Change of Duty Orders. Short term orders (for more than 20 percent of the class sessions) associated with a national emergency may qualify


(Approved 1/11/17- College Council).

Electronic Signature Policy for Students

Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) recognizes an electronic signature as a valid signature from employees and students subject to Conditions 1 and 2 below:

Condition 1: Campus Network Username and Password

  • Institution provides student with a unique username
  • Student sets his or her own password
  • Student logs into the campus network and secure site using both the username and the password

Condition 2: Student Login ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN)

  • Institution provides student with a unique PIN
  • Student sets his or her own PIN
  • Student logs into a secure site using both the login ID and PIN

An electronic signature is defined as any electronic process signifying an approval to terms, and/or ensuring the integrity of the document, presented in electronic format.

Students use electronic signatures to register, check financial aid awards, pay student bills, obtain unofficial transcripts, update contact information, log into campus computers, complete forms, submission of class work, tests, etc.

It is the responsibility and obligation of each individual to keep their passwords and PIN private so others cannot use their credentials. This is further explained in the CFCC Student Catalog section on “Computer Acceptable Use Policy”.

Once logged in, the student is responsible for any information they provide, update, or remove. CFCC will take steps to ensure both the passwords and PIN are protected and kept confidential. Furthermore, users are responsible for logging out of all systems and exercising the necessary precautions when using publicly accessible computers.

This policy is in addition to all applicable federal and state statutes, policies, guidelines, and standards. The policy as it applies to employees is explained in Section 9.13.1 Computer Use Policies of the CFCC Faculty and Staff Handbook.

Student Identification Card

The student ID card is included as part of the curriculum student tuition and fees. The ID card should be carried at all times and presented upon request to a College representative. The ID card serves as the College library card, permits access to campus parking decks, and is required for participation in campus events and sports activities. Lost cards should be reported and a replacement card purchased for $10.00. To obtain an ID card, students need to present their current CFCC schedule, proof of tuition payment  and a photo ID, such as a driver license, passport, or military ID.


Student Accident Insurance is secondary policy and provided at no additional cost to all registered and enrolled curriculum and continuing education students for injuries sustained while the insured student is:

  • Participating in activities sponsored, and supervised, by the college, excluding intercollegiate athletics;
  • Traveling during college sponsored activities when transportation is provided, or arranged by the college; 
  • Traveling directly to or from the insured’s home premises and the site of such covered college sponsored activities.

Students are encouraged to seek medical attention from their primary provider as soon as it is needed.

Student Professional Liability Insurance

Nursing and Allied Health, selective admission programs, and/or programs that require time in clinical settings and/or work based learning, may require additional student professional liability insurance to protect the student, the college, and the community site or partner.  Please see the respective program coordinator or director for more information concerning additional fees that may be associated with admission.

United Healthcare Short Term Insurance Program

Short term health insurance is designed for individuals who do not currently have health insurance, are seeking alternative health insurance coverage for the short term basis, and/or low deductible (co-pay) alternative medical plans.  CFCC partners with CCSI (Community College Student Insurance) to offer a student health insurance program with individual coverage to any CFCC student.  To learn more about this short term health insurance, and specific eligibility and/or requirements, please register online at , and one of their licensed insurance agents will assist you in selecting a plan to meet your objectives and/or needs.

For information concerning coverages, benefits, exclusions, limitations, provisions and related definitions, please contact CFCC’s Insurance Specialist at

Textbooks, Educational Tools, and Fees

Students are expected to purchase textbooks which are usually available from the college bookstore at the beginning of each academic session. Although not required in all courses, additional educational tools are required in certain courses and programs. Some PED courses require an off campus gym fee. Cameras, chef’s tools, safety eyewear, steel-toed boots and computers are examples of educational tools that are required for specific courses and/or programs. The bookstore does not have a charge or credit system; therefore, books and tools must be paid for at the time of purchase. Effective July 1, 2010, textbook pricing information for curriculum courses will be available on the College’s website as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act.


There are two CFCC bookstores. The Wilmington Campus store is located on the ground floor of the Health Sciences (L) building. The North Campus store is located in room NA114 in the McKeithan Center. The bookstores provide textbooks, supplies and other collegiate materials. Hours of operation and policies governing textbook refunds and buy backs are posted in the bookstores.

Transcript of Record

(Curriculum and Continuing Education)

Upon written request of the student, a transcript of classes taken and credits earned at Cape Fear Community College will be sent to other colleges or third parties. Transcripts must be requested through the College’s website ( or for quick access click here for transcript request page.  The non-refundable cost for an official transcript is $5.00 each.

Graduation Fees

The cost for caps and gowns are paid by the student directly to the company representative from whom they are being ordered.  There are no additional fees to apply for graduation.

Institutional Indebtedness

No student will be permitted to receive their degree, diploma or certificate,  register for classes, or have a transcript issued until all financial obligations to the College are satisfied.

Personnel in the Armed Services

Any active duty member of the armed services or a military dependent who does not qualify as a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes may be eligible to pay a reduced tuition rate if eligibility requirements for the Military Tuition Benefit (N.C.General Statute Section 116-143.3) have been met. Members for reserve components are not eligible for the benefit unless they have been called up for active duty.

Financial Aid

Cape Fear Community College administers Federal, State and institutional aid programs designed to assist students and their families in meeting the cost of obtaining a college education. These aid programs are intended to supplement available family resources, considered to be the primary source of educational funding.

Financial Aid Self-Service

Financial Aid self-service is a personalized, automated, online checklist that keeps everyone on track and up to speed from submission to completion of the student’s Financial Aid package. 

Self-Service can be accessible via a mobile device.  This feature allows Cape Fear

Community College students to access their financial aid information in one location.

Log into mycfcc.  Select Self-Service, Financial Aid


Students can view:

  • To verify if the FAFSA application has been received.
  • An interactive checklist of things needed for the completion of their application.
  • Their award(s) details.
  • Their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).  This means the student can track their SAP status to make sure they are making the cumulative 67% completion and 2.0 GPA necessary to be eligible for aid. 
  • Loan history - so students can keep track of the total amount borrowed.
  • Lifetime Pell eligibility - which maximizes out at 600%.
  • Student Finance Account Summary.

Available Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

The foundation of federal student financial aid, Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students (those who have not earned a bachelor’s or graduate degree) who demonstrate financial need.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Supplemental Grants are awarded to undergraduate students. Federal Pell Grant recipients receive priority for FSEOG awards.

Federal Work Study (FWS)

Work-study awards provide part-time employment opportunities for eligible students to earn money to meet college expenses.

Federal Direct Stafford Loan

The U.S. Department of Education provides the funding for student loans which are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. Student must be enrolled in at least six credits each semester to be eligible. Returning student must have earned 30 credit hours to be eligible to borrow a second-year loan.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan

PLUS loans are available to eligible parents of dependent students who are enrolled in at least six credits each semester. Parent loans are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest.

North Carolina Community College Grant (NCCCG)

This state grant provides funding to North Carolina residents enrolled in a community college who demonstrate limited or no eligibility for Federal Pell Grants. Eligible students must also:

  • Enroll for at least six (6) credit hours per semester in a curriculum program.
  • Be a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes as defined by the State Residence Classification Manual.

North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (NCELS)

This state grant provides assistance to needy NC resident students enrolled at least half-time. Eligibility is determined based on the same criteria as the Federal Pell Grant. Eligible students must also:

  • Enroll for at least six (6) credit hours per semester in a curriculum program.
  • Be a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes as defined by the State Residence Classification Manual.

Institutional Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need, academic excellence, special talent, or any combination thereof. A separate application is required.

Applying for Financial Aid

Apply for FSA ID. It will allow a student to apply online for federal and state financial aid and “sign” the application electronically-no paper is involved. Go to anytime to request your FSA ID.

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Go to to apply for financial aid. A “FAFSA on the Web” worksheet is available online to assist in completing the application.

Financial Need and Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Most federal and state financial aid is awarded based on need. An EFC number is used to determine financial need:

Cost of Attendance
= Financial Need

The EFC is a measure of a family’s financial strength and indicates how much of the family’s resources should be available to help pay educational costs. The EFC is calculated from the information provided on the FAFSA according to a formula established by law.


Copies of federal tax transcripts and other documents may be required of financial aid applicants to verify the accuracy of the information submitted on the FAFSA. CFCC will notify applicants of documents required to complete the process upon receipt of FAFSA data.

Notification of Awards

Students will receive a notice announcing that the financial aid award has been processed.

Students who have been awarded Financial Aid, registered for classes, but do not attend at least once by the 10 percent date of the class will be dropped by the instructor as “never attended.” Financial aid awards will be adjusted accordingly.

Students who do not qualify for federal or state grant programs will be notified of their non-eligible status.

Eligibility After Graduation

Upon graduation, a student’s Program of Study will end and they will no longer be eligible to receive financial aid and veteran’s benefits until a new program is declared. Therefore, students must contact the Financial Aid, Veteran and Counseling offices if they plan to continue enrollment in another program beyond graduation.

Programs Not Eligible for Financial Aid at Cape Fear Community College

Students enrolling in the following programs cannot receive financial aid because the programs do not meet the U.S. Department of Education eligibility requirements.

  • Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology (certificate)
  • Accounting Anaytics (certificate)
  • Automotive Customizing Technology (certificate)
  • Boat Building (Wooden) (certificate)
  • Business Analytics (certificate)
  • Carpentry (certificate)
  • Collision Repair & Refinishing Technology (certificate)
  • Construction Management Technology (certificate)
  • Criminal Justice Technology (certificate) and Industrial Security (certificate)
  • Electrical Systems Technology (certificate)
  • Electronics Engineering Technology (certificate)
  • Financial Planning (certificate)
  • Industrial Systems Technology (certificate)
  • Information Technology Database Programming & Administration (certificate)
  • Landscape Design (certificate)
  • Landscape Gardening (certificate)
  • Sustainable Gardening (certificate)
  • Retention Pond Management (certificate)
  • Leadership and Business Etiquette (certificate)
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology: CAD Drafting (certificate)
  • Plumbing (certificate)
  • Special Credit (major)
  • Sustainability Technologies:
  • Sustainability Technology (certificate)
  • Sustainability Renewable Energy Technology (certificate)
  • Sustainable Building Technologies (certificate)
  • Truck Driver Training (certificate)
  • Welding Technology SMAW/GTAW (certificate)
  • Welding Technology GTAW/GMAW (certificate)

NOTE: Associate in General Education (AGE) Program – No financial assistance is available for free elective courses taken from curriculum programs that are ineligible for financial aid unless the courses are required for completion of the diploma and/or degree programs in the same discipline.

Ineligible Coursework

Title IV aid (Federal Pell Grants and Direct Student Loans) may only be used towards coursework that fulfill the requirements of the current Program of Study.  Title IV aid will be adjusted to exclude payment for coursework not required for the current program of study.  Students will be responsible for the tuition and fees for those courses that are not covered by Title IV aid.  To avoid unexpected charges, students should run a Program Evaluation through WebAdvisor or Student Planning (Self-Service) after registering for classes to ensure the courses for which they’ve registered count towards completion of their Program of Study.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal and state regulations require that students receiving financial aid maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to be eligible to continue to receive funding. This policy applies to all students receiving assistance from any financial aid program administered by the Financial Aid Office at CFCC.

Qualitative and Quantitative Standards

Financial aid recipients must meet both a “qualitative” and a “quantitative” standard to maintain eligibility for financial aid. Students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average (GPA) to meet the qualitative standard. Students must also successfully complete 67 percent of all credits in which they enroll to meet the quantitative standard.

Developmental Education courses (designated by course numbers below “100”) are included in the calculation of a student’s enrollment status. However, no more than 30 Developmental Education course hours can be used to determine a student’s enrollment status for financial aid purposes. “Foundation” courses in math and English are NOT eligible for financial aid funding or inclusion in the determination of enrollment status because their content is below the post-secondary level.

Transfer credits from institutions other than CFCC will be totaled and counted in the determination of completion rate and maximum time frame.

Grades of “W”, “WP”, “WF”, “NC”, “NS”, “I”, “R”, “U”, “XF” and “F” do not count as successfully completed courses but do count as credits attempted and are used in the determination of enrollment status and maximum time frame. Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid funding and are not included in the determination of a student’s enrollment status for financial aid purposes.

A student is permitted to repeat a previously passed course one additional time for the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid. A student can repeat a previously-failed course an unlimited number of times. All earned grades will be used to determine a student’s compliance with the 2.0 cumulative GPA requirement and all attempted hours will be included in the calculation of maximum time frame.

Timing of Measurement

Satisfactory academic progress is measured after every semester. All terms of enrollment at CFCC are included in the measurement, even if the student did NOT receive financial aid. Summer and mini-sessions are also included.

Failure to Achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students who fail to meet either of the progression standards will receive a warning notice. The preferred method of notification is electronic; messages are sent to the student’s CFCC e-mail account. Students on warning are eligible to receive one additional semester of financial aid and are expected to use this period to reestablish satisfactory academic progress.

If a student fails to meet either standard for a second consecutive semester, s/he will receive a suspension notice. No financial aid will be awarded to a student on suspension until the student corrects the academic progress deficiencies. Students who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements for financial aid eligibility can enroll at CFCC without financial aid to correct the deficiencies.

Appeal Process for Probationary Semester

The right to appeal is granted to any student whose financial aid eligibility has been suspended. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously impacted academic performance.

The student should submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Office. An appeal letter must include why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress and what has changed that will allow the student to make progress at the next evaluation (i. e., at the end of the next semester of enrollment).

An appeal letter must be accompanied by:

  • A typed academic plan clearly stating how the student intends to meet progress standards, and
  • A copy of the student’s degree audit, which is available on the student’s WebAdvisor account. The degree audit displays completed courses and courses still required for program completion.
  • Students are strongly advised to submit third party documentation supporting significant mitigating circumstances. For example, in case of significant medical issues, documentation may require medical reports and signed statements by physicians regarding the circumstances.
  • Must be registered for ACA 090 (3 credit hour class)

An appeal submitted without adequate documentation will be denied.

The appeal letter and supporting documentation submitted by the student will be forwarded to the Financial Aid Committee.

Please note that merely filing an appeal does NOT guarantee continued eligibility for financial aid.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review the appeal within 15 weekdays. Students will be notified of the Committee’s decision. The preferred method of notification is electronic; the decision notice is sent to the student’s CFCC e-mail account. The decision of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee is final and no further appeals are allowed.

If the appeal is denied, the student may reestablish financial aid eligibility for subsequent semesters ONLY by taking courses, without benefit of financial aid, until s/he is in compliance with all components of the CFCC satisfactory academic progress policy (67% completion rate and 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA).

If the appeal is approved, the student regains financial aid eligibility for one probationary semester. During the probationary semester and all subsequent semesters, the student must achieve a 75% completion rate and maintain a term GPA of 2.0. Failure to do so will result in suspension of financial aid after which the student will regain eligibility ONLY by taking a minimum of six (6) credits, without benefit of financial aid, until s/he is in compliance with all components of the CFCC satisfactory academic progress policy (75% completion rate and 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA). The classes in which a student registers to regain eligibility must be required for program completion. Previously-passed courses which the student retakes will not be included in the determination of Continued on Appeal status.

Maximum Time Frame

To be eligible for financial aid at CFCC, you must complete your degree within the maximum timeframe.   This means graduating before accumulating 150% of the attempted credits required for completing your major.  Attempted credits include all courses taken at the institution, regardless of whether or not you passed the class   Progression will be monitored using the students’ current Program Evaluation.  If you do not graduate within the maximum timeframe, your aid will be suspended.  If a student earns 67 percent of the credits attempted each semester, the student should complete the program of study within the maximum timeframe.  If you have extenuating circumstances, you can appeal your financial aid suspension for maximum timeframe violation only one time.

The 150% count will include transfer credits and all credits attempted in all programs of study in which the student has been enrolled, regardless of whether or not the earned credits apply towards the student’s current program or to a previous program. A maximum of 30 hours of developmental coursework will be excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation. Once the student completes a certificate, diploma or degree the credits applied towards that credential will not be included in calculating maximum timeframe.

Maximum Time Frame Appeal

Students who have exceeded the maximum time frame for their declared program of study must submit an “Exceeding Maximum Time Frame” appeal. The student must be meeting the cumulative 2.0 grade point average and 67% cumulative completion rate in order to submit a maximum time frame appeal. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously impacted academic performance.

A student is ineligible when it becomes mathematically impossible for the student to complete their active program within 150% (example 2 year degree within 3 years)

A complete maximum time frame appeal will include:

  1. The “Exceeding Maximum Time Frame” Appeal form, and
  2. A copy of the student’s degree audit, which is available on the student’s WebAdvisor account. The degree audit displays completed courses and courses still required for program completion.
  3. Students are strongly advised to submit third party documentation supporting significant mitigating circumstances. For example, in case of significant medical issues, documentation may require medical reports and signed statements by physicians regarding the circumstances.

A student for whom a maximum time frame appeal is approved must complete 75% of all attempted credit hours with a minimum 2.0 grade point average each semester following the appeal approval. Failure to do so will result in suspension of financial aid eligibility.

Additional information and forms required to submit an appeal can be found on the Financial Aid Office website,

Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to monitor satisfactory academic progress as it relates to maintaining eligibility for financial aid. The Financial Aid Office assists with periodic measurement and notification to students who fail to meet the standards.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of any grade change made after the official posting of semester grades.

It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the Financial Aid Office if s/he does not receive an appeal determination notice within three weeks of submitting the appeal.

NOTE: The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for financial aid recipients is different than the College’s satisfactory progress standards maintained by the Counseling Department that places students on academic warning, probation or suspension for failure to achieve a 2.0 grade point average.

Return of Federal Funds

Financial aid is awarded to students under the assumption that they will attend school for the entire period for which financial assistance is provided to them.  Per the U.S. Department of Education, students must attend at least 60% of the term to be eligible to earn the funds they are awarded.  If student receives all “XF” grades for a semester, aid will be recalculated.

Federal regulations require the College to perform a Return of Title IV calculation for students who enroll at the College using Title IV Funds, but who later stop attending classes, without initiating an official withdrawal. The results of the calculations may include full or partial cancellation of Title IV Funds (Pell Grant, FSEOG, Loans), which may result in the student owing funds back to the U.S. Department of Education.

An account balance will be created if the calculation results in the return of financial aid to the Department of Education’s Title IV programs. The funds will be returned to the appropriate federal programs in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  2. Subsidized Direct Loan
  3. Federal PLUS Loans
  4. Federal Pell Grants
  5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)

Unpaid balances due to CFCC that result from amounts returned will be charged back to the student and must be repaid under the conditions set by the College. Students with unpaid balances may be subjected to the following actions:

  • Accounts forwarded to collections for non-payment.
  • Registrations for future classes may be dropped.
  • Future transcripts requests may be denied.
  • Ability to register for classes and/or make changes to class schedules may be suspended.

*Last updated:  Approved 5/27/17*


Students who are eligible for financial aid can charge their tuition, fees and books up to the amount of their awards. If the amount of financial aid received is less than tuition, fees, and books, the student is required to pay the remaining balance at the time of registration or purchase of books.

Students who have been awarded financial aid, registered for classes, but do not attend at least once by the 10 percent date of the class may be administratively dropped as a “No Show.”  No-Show students will be removed from the class roster and will not be allowed to continue in the class. Financial aid awards will be adjusted accordingly. 

Students will receive a check for the excess amount of financial aid remaining in their account following the payment of tuition, fees and books. It is the student’s responsibility to make certain that the mailing address on file with CFCC is correct to avoid delays in delivery of refund checks.

Foundation Scholarships

Student scholarships are established through donations to the CFCC Foundation. Criteria for scholarships are specified by a donor in collaboration with Foundation staff, ensuring the most efficient use of the donation while helping as many students as possible.

The Foundation establishes endowed and Annual scholarships. Endowed scholarships are generated through the investment of permanently held principals from which only the interest is used. Annual scholarships are those from which all funds are dispersed as scholarships rather than as long-term investments. These scholarships are commonly referred to as “pass-through” scholarships.

Merit Scholarships

Many outstanding local high school students want to attend CFCC. To assist them, the CFCC Foundation awards ten Merit Scholarships annually to deserving New Hanover and Pender County seniors who exhibit academic excellence. To qualify for a CFCC Merit Scholarship, you must:

  • Be a current high school senior
  • Have applied for or been approved to enroll in CFCC in a curriculum program
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from your high school principal, guidance counselor, or a high school teacher
  • Demonstrate academic potential through high school grades, rank in class, and/or aptitude test results
  • Be a US citizen or documented alien

Consideration will be given for non-school activities, work experience and community service. To apply for a Merit Scholarship, students should see their high school counselor or download an application from the Foundation website,

The CFCC Financial Aid Office administers scholarships to CFCC students. Students should contact the Financial Aid office for applications, forms and specific information (910-362-7338). Scholarships are subject to change without notice.

For a current list of available scholarships, please go to

To learn more, please visit the Foundation website at for scholarship applications and additional information.

Student Ambassadors

During the spring semester, Student Ambassadors are selected to represent the College and the Foundation at a variety of college-sponsored events such as student registration and orientation, donor recognition events, and graduation.

Student Ambassadors should possess:

  • An outgoing personality
  • A professional appearance
  • High academic achievement
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Knowledge of the college and community
  • The ability to make a positive impression
  • Scheduling flexibility
  • Access to transportation
  • A high level of commitment to CFCC

Ambassadors must maintain at least 6 credit hours per semester, a 3.0 GPA, and perform 4 hours of work per week during their one-year appointment. Candidates must complete an application package and submit three letters of recommendation from faculty and staff of the College and other mentors from external sources. A committee appointed by the Coordinator of Student Recruitment interviews ambassador candidates and selects students to serve in the following year. Extensive training for new ambassadors is held during the summer.

Ambassadors who maintain program requirements receive funds toward their tuition and fees at the end of each term. Ambassadors are responsible to pay tuition and fees by the stated deadline. Official items of clothing are also provided. Applications for the Ambassador program are available to students in March of each year. For more information contact the Admissions Office. 

Vocational Rehabilitation

This is a program administered by the North Carolina Department of Human Resources. The Division may provide services as are necessary to enable a physically, mentally and/ or educationally disabled person to become self-employed. If a prospective student has a disability or is limited in his/her activity because of a disability, he/she may contact the nearest Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Office for consideration of assistance. The Wilmington Unit Office is located at 3340 Jaeckle Drive, Suite 201, Wilmington, NC. The telephone number is (910) 251-5710.

Student Activity Fee Allocation Procedure

Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee

The Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC) is an internal committee within the Student Services and Enrollment Management Division. The role of the committee is to review and allocate student activity fee funds to active student clubs/organizations for their programs and activities. Active clubs and organizations have completed the annual New Club/Organization Application or Club Renewal Form and have the documents approved by the Department of Student Activities.  Clubs/organizations must be in good standing to receive student activities fee allocations.  Active clubs or organization in good standing send a representative to at least 75% of the Student Government Association (SGA) General Assembly meetings each semester.

The SAFAC strives to insure that the final allocations are fair and represent the diversity of the campus community. The committee is composed of six members: two student members appointed by the SGA President; one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Association; one staff member from the Student Services & Enrollment Management Division appointed by the Vice President for Student Services, and one standing member who shall be the Assistant Director of Student Activities. The Director of Athletics and Activities, or his/her designee, serves as the chair and as an ex-officio member of this committee.  All members except for the “standing” and “ex-officio” members are appointed annually.

The role of the SAFAC ensures collaboration and inclusivity in the process for reviewing budget requests and making recommendations for student club/organization allocations. The diverse composition of the committee serves as a safeguard that provides checks and balances among the constituency groups that are involved in the decision-making process. All meetings of the SGA and the SAFAC shall be open to the public and minutes shall be available upon request. SAFAC meetings will be recorded. These recordings will be made available on the Student Activities website; back-up recordings of SAFAC meetings will be stored and maintained by the Director of Athletics and Student Activities.

Student Club/Organization Fund Allocation Priorities

Allocation of student activity fees are consistent with the following priorities:

  1. Established programs that are institutionally supported and recognized. These are generally collaborative programs sponsored by student clubs/organizations and College departments designed to benefit the campus community.
  2. A program and/or project, which is educational in nature and is intended to be of service to the entire campus community.
  3. Travel for competitions against students and/or teams from other colleges and universities; and student representation or presentations at regional and national conferences.
  4. Non-educational programs or projects that are available to the entire campus community. Such programs are intended to create an atmosphere conducive to the development of positive social connections among students, faculty, and staff.
  5. A comprehensive program and/or project which provides both educational and/or academic experiences designed to benefit the members of the sponsoring club/organization and/or national / state  / regional conferences to benefit the membership of the club/organization.

Note: In addition to the established priorities and before approving allocations of funds, the SAFAC should take into consideration the diversity of student clubs/organizations represented on campus and work to ensure that the distribution of these funds provides the maximum benefit for all students.


  1. No student activity fee funds shall be used by any person or eligible student club/organization for the personal benefit of any of its members, other persons or another club/organization.
  2. Student activity fee funds shall not be used to establish petty cash funds.
  3. Student activity fee funds shall not be used to finance, support or influence the voting on any governmental issue at any level and funds may not be used to influence public opinion or legislation.
  4. All eligible student clubs/organizations receiving funds from the student activity fee are subject to the general regulations set forth by CFCC and the North Carolina Community College System
  5. The maximum amount that an eligible club/student organization may be allocated cannot exceed $500 per academic year.
  6. A separate club/organization account will be established. The Business Office maintains the funds for clubs/organizations until such time as the club draws from them.
  7. Respective club funds may be expended using CFCC’s established purchasing guidelines only . These guidelines ensure that those persons (CFCC Advisor) within the club/organization are authorized by the College to administer the funds and follow CFCC purchasing guidelines for all business transactions.
  8. Any club/organization found to be abusing the student activity fee funds may be ineligible for further allocations of funds during the remaining portion of the academic year. Additionally, the SAFAC committee may find the club/organization ineligible to receive student activity fee funds for the following academic year.

Club/Organization Funding Decision Factors

The SAFAC will use several general criteria in the evaluation of budget requests. They are as follows:

  1. The success and effectiveness of the club/organization in planning and executing past programs. Newly established club/organizations will not be judged by this criterion.
  2. The quality and thoroughness of the written applications. Clubs/organizations are responsible for ensuring that the application is completed thoroughly and in its entirety.
  3. Only clubs/organizations registered through the Department of Student Activities are eligible to receive funding.
  4. Funding decisions and allocations will be made in a viewpoint neutral manner and will not be done because of an activity/organization’s point of view or message.

Funding Allocation Process

  1. Clubs/organizations are required to outline plans for proposed activities; including dates, locations, and budget. Plans should be reviewed and approved by club/organization advisors. All clubs/organizations planning to request funds from the SAFAC are required to submit the online CFCC Club/Organization Activity Funds Request Form 30 days prior to the date funds are needed.
  2. SAFAC will convene monthly review sessions, following scheduled SGA meetings, to discuss funding requests. Funding decisions will be conveyed to student clubs/organizations via email within one business day.
  3. SAFAC shall entertain appeals from student clubs/organizations. The appeal process is outlined in the next section.
  4. Clubs/organizations will do their best to raise other funds for activities each respective club/organization wishes to participate in. Active clubs/organizations in good standing can request that student activities match total amounts raised by 50% (Cap $500) per academic year.
  5. Student Activities will only match a percentage of funds raised by clubs/organizations over the academic school year (subject to funds availability and approval).

NOTE: Student activity fund requests must go before the SAFAC to be approved; no funds will be allocated or distributed without the committee’s endorsement.

Appeal Process

All appeals must be filed in accordance with the guidelines established by the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC). Appeals shall be submitted in writing to the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management within ten (10) business days of funding notification. The written appeal must outline the specific funding decision being appealed and the reason for the appeal.

Appeals may only be based upon the following criteria:

  1. Established policies and procedures were not followed.
  2. The funding decision was arbitrary or capricious. The fact that the SAFAC did not fund a request at the requested level does not constitute grounds for an appeal

*Last updated: Approved 2/11/17*

Veterans’ Educational Benefits

The Coordinator of Veterans Affairs office is located in the Bob Philpott Veterans Center (U-124). The coordinator assists our military-affiliated and veterans, processes essential documentation, certifies enrollment and monitors students’ academic progress.

The Veterans’ Center provides assistance to our students who are military-affiliated and/or veterans who are transitioning from military culture to civilian and academic life. The center also provides guidance on veterans’ educational benefits, veterans’ disability benefits, and how to navigate the veterans’ healthcare.

The eligibility for Veterans’ educational benefits are based upon time in service and/or circumstance (disability or death) of the veteran, active duty service-member, reservist, and National Guardsmen. Family members of aforementioned can also use VA educational benefits based upon the criteria set forth by the Veterans Administration.

In order to activate your VA educational benefit, the following will need to occur:

  • Apply for and obtain the VA certificate of eligibility (COE) at
  • Submit all official transcripts to Cape Fear CC
  • Register for classes that are approved under the program evaluation
  • Fill out the VA Benefit Certification Form (VBCF)
  • Send your VBCF, DD214 (or sponsor’s DD214), and VA COE to for processing

NOTE: Students must submit their VA Benefit Certification Form every semester in order to receive their stipend or monthly housing allowance.

The Veterans’ Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (“Choice Act”) Section 702 requires public schools to charge the in-state rate- 3 years from date of discharge- for covered VA beneficiaries that meet the state guidelines beginning July 1, 2015.

Veteran benefit holders are entitled to priority registration.

Prospective students who are eligible or believe they may be eligible to receive veterans’ educational benefits should contact the Director of Veterans Affairs at

Visit for additional information.

Maintaining Eligibility for Veterans Educational Benefits

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Veterans Benefits Administration requires that students receiving VA educational benefits maintain a 2.0 GPA, and Cape Fear Community College’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to be eligible to continue to receive funding. If the cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters and/or does not meet the 67 percent completion rate, the student will not be eligible to receive veterans’ educational benefits. The student has the right to appeal for SAP by contacting the Director of Veterans Affairs office. This policy applies to all students receiving any educational benefit from the VA.

Qualitative and Quantitative Standards

VA educational benefit recipients must meet both a “qualitative” and a “quantitative” standard to maintain eligibility for VA educational benefits. Students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average (GPA) to meet the qualitative standard. Students must also successfully complete 67 percent of all credits in which they enroll to meet the quantitative standard.

Transfer credits from institutions other than CFCC will be totaled and counted in the determination of completion rate and maximum time-frame.

Grades of “W”, “WP”, “WF”, “NC”, “NS”, “I”, “R”, “U”, “XF” and “F” do not count as successfully completed courses but do count as credits attempted and are used in the determination of enrollment status and maximum time frame. Audited courses are not eligible for VA educational benefits funding and are not included in the determination of a student’s enrollment status for VA educational benefits purposes.

A student can repeat a previously-failed course once. All earned grades will be used to determine a student’s compliance with the 2.0 cumulative GPA requirement and all attempted hours will be included in the calculation of maximum time frame.

Timing of Measurement

Satisfactory academic progress is measured after every semester. All terms of enrollment at CFCC are included in the measurement, even if the student did NOT receive VA educational benefits. Summer and mini-sessions are also included.

Failure to Achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students who fail to meet either of the progression standards will receive a warning notice. The preferred method of notification is electronic; messages are sent to the student’s CFCC e-mail account. Students on warning are eligible to receive one additional semester of VA educational benefits and are expected to use this period to reestablish satisfactory academic progress.

If a student fails to meet either standard for a second consecutive semester, s/he will receive a suspension (resulting in non-certification) notice. VA educational benefits will not be certified for a student on suspension until the student corrects the academic progress deficiencies. Students who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements for VA educational benefits eligibility can enroll at CFCC without use of VA educational benefits to correct the deficiencies.

Appeal Process for Probationary Semester

The right to appeal is granted to any student whose VA educational benefits eligibility has been suspended. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously affected academic performance.

The student should submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Office. An appeal letter must include why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress and what has changed that will allow the student to make progress at the next evaluation (i. e., at the end of the next semester of enrollment).

An appeal letter must be accompanied by:

  • A typed academic plan clearly stating how the student intends to meet progress standards, and
  • A copy of the student’s degree audit, which is available on the student’s WebAdvisor account. The degree audit displays completed courses and courses still required for program completion.
  • Students are strongly advised to submit third party documentation supporting significant mitigating circumstances. For example, in case of significant medical issues, documentation may require medical reports and signed statements by physicians regarding the circumstances.
  • Must be registered for ACA 090 (3 credit hour class)

An appeal submitted without adequate documentation will be denied.

Please note that merely filing an appeal does NOT guarantee continued eligibility for VA educational benefits.

The Financial Aid Office will review the appeal within 15 weekdays. Students will be notified of the Financial Aid Office’s decision. The preferred method of notification is electronic; the decision notice is sent to the student’s CFCC e-mail account. The decision of the Financial Aid Office is final and no further appeals are allowed.

If the appeal is denied, the student may reestablish VA educational benefits eligibility for subsequent semesters ONLY by taking courses, without VA educational benefits, until s/he complies with all components of the CFCC satisfactory academic progress policy (67% completion rate and 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA).

If the appeal is approved, the student regains VA educational benefits eligibility for one probationary semester. During the probationary semester and all subsequent semesters, the student must achieve a 75% completion rate and maintain a term GPA of 2.0. Failure to do so will result in suspension (non-certification) of VA educational benefits after which the student will regain eligibility ONLY by taking a minimum of six (6) credits, without VA educational benefits, until s/he is in compliance with all components of the CFCC satisfactory academic progress policy (75% completion rate and 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA). The classes in which a student registers to regain eligibility must be required for program completion.

Maximum Time Frame

To be eligible for VA educational benefits at CFCC, you must complete your degree within the maximum timeframe. This means graduating before accumulating 150% of the attempted credits required for completing your major.  Attempted credits include all courses taken at the institution, regardless of whether or not you passed the class   Progression will be monitored using the students’ current Program Evaluation.  If you do not graduate within the maximum timeframe, your VA educational benefit will not be certified.  If a student earns 67 percent of the credits attempted each semester, the student should complete the program of study within the maximum timeframe.  If you have extenuating circumstances, you can appeal your VA educational benefits suspension for maximum timeframe violation only one time.

The 150% count will include transfer credits and all credits attempted in all programs of study in which the student has been enrolled, regardless of whether or not the earned credits apply towards the student’s current program or to a previous program. Any developmental coursework will be excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation. Once the student completes a certificate, diploma or degree the credits applied towards that credential will not be included in calculating maximum timeframe. 

Maximum Time Frame Appeal

Students who have exceeded the maximum time frame for their declared program of study must submit an “Exceeding Maximum Time Frame” appeal. The student must be meeting the cumulative 2.0 grade point average and 67% cumulative completion rate in order to submit a maximum time frame appeal. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously impacted academic performance.

A complete maximum time frame appeal will include:

  1. The “Exceeding Maximum Time Frame” Appeal form, and
  2. A copy of the student’s degree audit, which is available on the student’s WebAdvisor account. The degree audit displays completed courses and courses still required for program completion.
  3. Students are strongly advised to submit third party documentation supporting significant mitigating circumstances. For example, in case of significant medical issues, documentation may require medical reports and signed statements by physicians regarding the circumstances.

A student for whom a maximum time frame appeal is approved must complete 75% of all attempted credit hours with a minimum 2.0 grade point average each semester following the appeal approval. Failure to do so will result in suspension (non-certification) of VA educational benefits eligibility.

Additional information and forms required to submit an appeal can be found on the Financial Aid Office website,

Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to monitor satisfactory academic progress as it relates to maintaining eligibility for VA educational benefits. The Financial Aid Office assists with periodic measurement and notification to students who fail to meet the standards.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of any grade change made after the official posting of semester grades.

It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the Financial Aid Office if s/he does not receive an appeal determination notice within three weeks of submitting the appeal.

NOTE: The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for VA educational benefit recipients is different than the College’s satisfactory progress standards maintained by the Counseling Department that places students on academic warning, probation or suspension for failure to achieve a 2.0 grade point average.

Registration is the term used for enrolling in classes. Students who need help with course planning should reach out to their faculty advisor or the Academic Advising Center for assistance.

Registering for Classes

Semester System

The academic year is divided into two semesters and summer sessions. The Fall and Spring semesters offer courses in sixteen (16) weeks, two eight (8) week mini sessions, and one twelve (12) week session. The Summer terms are provided either in a ten (10) week session, eight (8) week session, or two four (5) week sessions. Consult the Schedule of Classes for specific scheduling information.

Semester Hour Credit

Each course listed in the catalog and class schedule is followed by a notation on the number of semester hours it earns. Normally, the number of semester hours earned is based on the number of class, laboratory or shop hours spent under the supervision of the course instructor per week for the semester. Usually one semester hour credit is given for each lecture hour of class per week, for each two hours of laboratory work per week, or for each three hours of shop or manipulative laboratory per week. (A class hour is usually defined as 50 minutes of instruction). Exceptions may be made in cases where specific classification is not feasible.

Course Load/Overload

Students enrolled in the Fall and Spring semesters for 12 or more credit hours are designated as full-time students. Students taking 11 or fewer credits during a semester are considered part-time. Students enrolled in the Summer Session for 9 credit hours or more are designated as full-time students for insurance purposes. Students receiving Financial Aid benefits must be enrolled for 12 or more credit hours each semester to receive full benefits. Veteran’s benefits for the Summer-full time is eight (8) hours for the 10 week session or four (4) hours each five week session. Students who are placed on academic probation may be required to take a reduced course load.

Maximum course loads for which students may enroll are as follows:

  • Fall and/or Spring Semester(s)-Eighteen (18) credit hours except when program requirements determine otherwise.
  • Summer Term-Thirteen (13) credit hours except when program requirements determine otherwise.

Any exception to maximum course load must be approved by the Director of the Academic Advising Center or the Dean of Enrollment Management.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

A prerequisite is a course that must be taken prior to another course. A corequisite is a course that must be taken prior to or concurrently with another course. The college may mandate prerequisites and corequisites to ensure students are prepared to meet the requirements of the course material. Prerequisites and corequisites are identified in the catalog with the course descriptions.  Students are responsible for meeting their program requirements, including prerequisites and corequisites. If students sign up for a class and do not meet the prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements they will be administratively dropped from the course. 

Students who drop on their own or who are administratively dropped after the first day of class may not be eligible for a full refund.  Students are advised to review published course prerequisites and co-requisites carefully before enrolling. 

Waiver of Prerequisites and Corequisites

The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Workforce Development and the academic deans may waive prerequisites and corequisites. Normally, a waiver will be recommended by the appropriate program director and approved by the department chair, dean, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Workforce Development. 

Priority Registration

Currently enrolled students are assigned registration priorities based on their number of completed credit hours. Registration information is emailed to students’ CFCC email account. Students may register online using WebAdvisor/Student Planning (Self Service). A listing of priority dates and times are listed on the CFCC website.

Auditing Courses

Students who wish to audit courses must register for the audit by following the regular admissions and registration procedures and indicating in writing on an audit form which course(s) they are auditing. Auditing students must meet all course pre-requisites. A student who audits a course section shall not displace students enrolling or registering to receive a grade, academic credit, continuing education unit (CEU) or certificate of completion in the course section. If it is determined by the 10% date of the course that a student seeking a grade, credit, CEU, or certificate needs the course, an auditing student may be administratively dropped to allow space for the other student. The audit form must be signed by the instructor and turned into the Registrar’s Office on or before the course start date but not later than the 10% date of the course. Auditing students receive no credit and are not required to participate in class discussion or take tests. At the end of the term, auditing students will receive a grade of “AU” (Audit) or “SR” (Senior Audit). Tuition and fees for audited courses are the same as those taken for credit. Students will be responsible for paying any/all tuition, fees and/or textbook costs. (Seniors age 65+ who plan to audit a course, please read the “Tuition Waiver for Auditing Seniors” paragraph below.) Changes from audit to credit or credit to audit may only be done during registration and through the last day to add a course for the term. Students should be aware that Financial Aid and Veteran benefits do not pay for audited courses. Audited courses do not transfer.

Seniors (age 65+) who wish to audit a course will follow the same policy and procedure information listed in the “Auditing Courses” paragraph above except that they will receive a waiver of tuition. Auditing seniors are still responsible to pay fees and for any books and suppiles needed for the course. In order to receive the waiver, seniors must provide proof of age through a driver’s license, state identification card, or other government-issued document. Seniors who receive the waiver are not eligible to change from audit to credit.

Academic Advising

Cape Fear Community College views student advisement as an important, on-going process. Academic advising engages students in developing a plan to reach educational and career goals.  Advisors assist students in selecting and scheduling appropriate classes to fulfill educational requirements. 

All new students should schedule their FIRST ADVISING MEETING with an advisor from the Academic Advising Center.  Visit to find the advisor you should meet with by searching for the first letter of your last name in the list of advisors.  Then, follow the instructions for scheduling a meeting in Aviso (accessed from the launchpad in the myCFCC portal or  

From that point on, students should meet with their assigned advisor.  Students in Career and Technical programs, as well as Health Science programs, are assigned a faculty advisor, an instructor from the student’s program of study.  Students in University Transfer, General Education, and Pre-Health Science programs, as well as non-degree seeking students, are assigned an advisor from the Academic Advising Center.  The assigned advisor’s name is posted in Self-Service Student Planning (accessed from the myCFCC portal) and can also be found in the student’s Aviso dashboard.

Students should meet with their assigned advisor each semester for assistance in planning and scheduling classes. Students must accept the responsibility of familiarizing themselves with specific course, prerequisite, corequisite, and program requirements. While advising is an on-going process, specific times are designated prior to each registration period for advising.


WebAdvisor is a web-based portal that is accessed on the College’s website at or in the myCFCC portal.  Students may use WebAdvisor to review or print a Program Evaluation and to access Self-Service. Students may also access Self-Service directly through the myCFCC portal (under Launchpad).  Students are encouraged to use the Student Planning feature in Self-Service to plan their entire program of study, register for classes, view class schedules, check grades, view unofficial transcripts, and more. Students may also check financial aid information and make payments in Self-Service.

Academic Program of Study

A Program of Study is a specific or specialized academic field. Students seeking a degree, diploma or certificate are enrolled in a program of study. All programs of study/curriculum programs can be found in our online catalog.

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation is a tool for tracking program completion progress based on the student’s catalog of record.  Program Evaluation can be accessed through WebAdvisor and Self-Service Student Planning (My Progress) so that students, advisors, and counselors can follow the progress towards completion of a degree, diploma or certificate.  Students can also use the system for “what if” scenarios when considering changing majors.

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center provides both academic advising and career development services including assistance with course selection and registration, transfer planning, career exploration and counseling, job placement, and major changes. The Wilmington Campus center is located on the second floor of Union Station, room U-240.  The North Campus center is located on the first floor of the McKeithan Center, room NA-106A.  Please refer to our website for specific hours and other helpful information.  Students may schedule an advising appointment through Aviso at  Students may choose virtual appointments using Google Hangouts Meet (preferred) or by phone, in addition to on-campus appointments.  

All new students should schedule their FIRST ADVISING MEETING with an advisor from the Academic Advising Center.  During this FIRST ADVISING MEETING, advisors will teach new students how to use Self-Service Student Planning to register for classes.  Students may use the center’s computers for web registration. From that point on, students will meet with their assigned advisor (see Academic Advising above).  Faculty advisor offices are not located in the Academic Advising Center.  They are located in the program department office locations as listed in the Faculty and Staff Directory.

Students who wish to change majors should schedule an appointment in Aviso selecting Change of Major for the appointment type.  An advisor in the Academic Advising Center will discuss program options with the student and submit the major change form (more information below).

Students enrolled in university transfer programs should meet with their advisor for help in constructing a transfer plan to a four-year college or university.  During registration, this transfer plan will guide the student in selecting courses that will help meet admission and program requirements at the four-year school. To further support students with transfer planning, the center hosts visits from regional four-year college and university admission representatives throughout the academic year.

Major Change: Changing Your Official Academic Program 

Students who desire to change from one academic program to another must see an advisor in the Academic Advising Center to complete a Program Change Form.  The advisor will evaluate program requirements and prerequisites and advise the student of any academic deficiencies. Prior to March 2018, incoming transcripts were evaluated for specific majors. Beginning in March 2018, CFCC began to transfer in all courses that meet our transfer criteria. If a transcript was evaluated prior to March 2018 and the student is requesting to change their major, they will need to request a transcript re-evaluation as part of the major change process.  Students should complete this process prior to any registration period.  Programs changed after the designated deadline date in a term (usually in the first week of at term) will not be effective until the next academic term. The advisor submits the completed form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Online Learning

Online Learning is dedicated to the design, implementation, and evaluation of high quality online education. Online Learning staff provide resources and services to assist faculty with learning and utilizing engaging, current technologies and designing and teaching online courses.

Online learning (OL) happens in classes in which all or a portion of instruction takes place online. There are four types of classes with online learning components: Internet, Internet Synchronous, Hybrid, and Blended.

  • Internet class instruction is delivered100% online where the students and instructors do not meet face-to-face, but instead interact entirely in an online environment asynchronously. These classes are always indicated by an “I” in the section code (e.g. CIS-110-I02 and BIO- 240-I01).
  • Internet Synchronous class instruction is delivered 100% online where the students and instructors do not meet face-to-face, but instead interact entirely in an online environment synchronously. The days/times for the required online synchronous meetings will be posted on students’ schedules when they sign up for the class. These classes are always indicated by an “IS” in the section code (e.g. ENG 111 IS01, SOC 210 IS04).
  • Hybrid class instruction is delivered online with a requirement that students also meet face-to-face (in-classroom). The days/times for the required face-to-face meetings will be posted on students’ schedules when they sign up for the class. These classes are always indicated by a “Y” in the section code (e.g. BIO-112-DY1 and ACA-122-NYE1A). Hybrid classes may be scheduled with 51-99% of instruction being delivered online.
  • Blended class instruction is delivered face-to-face and online where the students and instructors meet face-to-face at set days/times and online asynchronously. The days/times for the required face-to-face meetings will be posted on students’ schedules when they sign up for the course. These classes are always indicated by an “L” in the section code (e.g. ENG 111 DL01, SOC 210 NL04). Blended classes may be scheduled with 1-50% of instruction being delivered online.

In addition to Internet, Internet Synchronous, Hybrid, and Blended classes, CFCC’s face-to-face classes are often web-assisted. In a web-assisted class, all instruction is delivered face-to-face with a requirement that students have internet access as a supplemental part of the class. This means that certain course materials are made available to students through a learning management system (LMS) such as Blackboard. These materials typically include a class schedule, syllabus, instructor contact information, and a gradebook.

Note: Internet classes may have required face-to-face, proctored exams. Please contact the individual instructor or department to determine if a particular section has such a requirement.

Online Learning classes follow the same college requirements as traditional classes. College policies, such as admission, withdrawal, financial aid, etc. apply to OL classes. OL classes are not self-paced. They follow the same college calendar as face-to-face classes.

Online Learning class materials become available at specific times as the class progresses, and students are required to meet regular deadlines. These classes can, when fully online, require several hours of independent work each week. Because of this, OL classes are best suited for students who are strongly self- motivated, self-disciplined, and have excellent time management skills. Additionally, because all OL classes require the use of a computer, they should only be taken by students who are already comfortable using computers for various types of applications, such as word processing, web browsing, chat, discussion boards, etc.; who are proficient in communicating in writing; and who have regular access to a computer and internet service. For online learning help, Blackboard help, resources, and tutorials, please visit the CFCC website: Cape Fear Online. Students should also reach out the CFCC IT Help Desk for technical assistance if needed.

Online Learning Attendance

Attendance in Internet, Internet Synchronous, Hybrid, and Blended classes is demonstrated by completing an initial “Enrollment Verification” assignment and completing required coursework. In Hybrid and Blended classes, where students meet face-to-face and online, attendance may be measured by presence at the first (and subsequent) face-to-face-meetings, completion of the online “Enrollment Verification” assignment, and assigned coursework, or both.

An “Enrollment Verification” (EV) assignment requires the student to 1) login to the Blackboard class site and 2) complete an activity that involves engagement with course material. Failure to login and complete the EV activity for an internet, internet synchronous, or hybrid class by the 10 percent date of the class may result in the student being withdrawn from the class. For questions regarding the completion of the Enrollment Verification activity, please reach out to your instructor.

Catalog of Record

Students are expected to meet the catalog requirements in effect at the time of their enrollment into a curriculum program. Anyone not in continuous enrollment for more than one semester (not counting summer) will be readmitted under the requirements of the current catalog.  A student who changes programs must meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of the change of program.  A student’s academic advisor can recommend substitution of courses with adequate cause. Substitutions must have written approval from the instructor, department chair, dean, and the vice president of academic affairs. 

Most courses can be counted for credit toward graduation for an indefinite period of time.  Some courses that depend heavily on technology, speed and accuracy, physical skills, and language skills will be subject to review after five years unless the student has been continuously enrolled. Courses subject to review may include, but not limited to computer, foreign languages, developmental, and trades courses.  

Credit by Proficiency

For selected courses, students may request credit by proficiency examination for previous experience or training.  The student must be currently enrolled at CFCC and must not have enrolled in the course prior to taking the proficiency exam.  The student must request the Credit by Proficiency Application from the Registrar and have it approved by the department chair in order to challenge the course.  Students may challenge a course only once.  Students successfully passing a proficiency exam will receive credit for the course as a “CR” (credit for record).  Credit by Proficiency does not usually transfer.  CLEP and AP exams (see below) may be used in lieu of proficiency exams.

CLEP - College Level Examination Program®

The College-Level Examination Program® or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses.

CFCC may grant credit in appropriate courses on the basis of CLEP examination results. The following guide describes the cutoff scores and credits that may be earned through the CLEP. Credit may be awarded for other CLEP tests not listed. Students should submit official CLEP scores to the Registrar’s Office prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.


  CFCC Credit Min.
Examination Course Hours Score
Financial Accounting ACC 120  4 50
Biology BIO 110  4 50
Chemistry CHM 151+lab 4 50
Information Systems & Computer Applications CIS 110  3 50
Prin. Of Microeconomics ECO 251  3 50
Prin. Of Macroeconomics ECO 252  3 50
College Composition ENG 111  & ENG 112  6 50
College Comp Modular ENG 111   3 50
Analyzing & Interp. Lit. ENG 131  3 50
English Literature ENG 241  3 50
American Literature ENG 231  3 50
Western Civ. I HIS 121  3 50
Western Civ. II HIS 122  3 50
History of U.S. I HIS 131  3 50
History of U.S. II HIS 132  3 50
Humanities HUM 211 3 50
College Algebra MAT 171   4 50
Calculus MAT 271  4 50
Precalculus MAT 171  & MAT 172  8 50
Prin. of Marketing MKT 120  3 50
American Government POL 120  3 50
Intro. Psychology PSY 150  3 50
Human Growth and Development PSY 241  3 50
Educational Psy. PSY 263  3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 210  3 50
French FRE 111&FRE 112  6 50
  FRE 211  *9 59
German GER 111&GER 112  6 50
  GER 211  *9 60
Spanish SPA 111&SPA 112  6 50
  SPA 211  *9 63

*Students achieving the cutoff score for 211 are also given credit for 111 and 112.

AP®- Advanced Placement

CFCC may grant credit in appropriate courses on the basis of AP® examination results. The following guide describes the cutoff scores and credits that may be earned through AP®. Credit may be awarded for other AP tests not listed. Students should submit official AP® scores prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.

  CFCC Credit  
Examination Score Course Hours
Art History 3 ART 114  3
Art 2D Design 3 ART 121  3
Art 3D Design 3 ART 122  3
Biology 3 BIO 111 & BIO 112  8
Chemistry 3 CHM 151 & CHM 152  8
Computer Science A 3 CIS 115   3
Microeconomics 3 ECO 251  3
Macroeconomics 3 ECO 252  3
English Lang & Comp 3 ENG 111  & ENG 112  6
Eng Lit & Comp 3 ENG 111  & 113 6
Environmental Science  3 ENV 110  3
French Language 3 FRE 111 & FRE 112  6
French Language 4 FRE 111 & FRE 112   
    FRE 211 & FRE 212  12
German Language 3 GER 111 & GER 112  6
German Language 4 GER 111 & GER 112   
    GER 211 & GER 212  12
Human Geography 3 GEO 112 3
World History 3 HIS 111 & HIS 112 6
European History 3 HIS 121 & HIS 122  6
US History 3 HIS 131 & HIS 132  6
Latin 3 LAT 111 & 112 6
Statistics 3 MAT 152   4
Calculus AB 3 MAT 271  4
Calculus BC 3 MAT 271 & MAT 272  8
Music Theory 3 MUS 121  4
Physics I 4 PHY 151  4
Physics C-Mechanics 3 PHY 131  4
Physics C-Elec/Mag 3 PHY 132  4
Physics B 3 PHY 151 & PHY 152  8
US Gov/Politics 3 POL 120  3
Comp.Gov/Politics 3 POL 210  3
Psychology 3 3 PSY 150  3
Spanish Language 3 SPA 111 & SPA 112  6
Spanish Language 4 SPA 111 & SPA 112   
    SPA 211 & SPA 212  12

IB (International Baccalaureate)

Students may receive credit by examination for achieving acceptable scores on the High Level (HL IB) International Baccalaureate examinations. Official test scores should be sent to the registrar’s office for evaluation prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement. CFCC only accepts certain exams of the “High Level.”

DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)

Students may receive credit by examination for achieving acceptable scores on the DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests).  Students should submit official DSST scores prior to registration for possible credit and proper course placement.

Note: Course credit awarded by CFCC on the basis of CLEP, AP, IB, or DSST exam scores may not transfer to other institutions.

Credit for Prior Learning Experiences

In some circumstances, students may be eligible to receive academic credit for non-credit learning experiences. Examples of non-credit learning experiences include Continuing Education classes and programs, military education and training, industry-recognized certifications, and certain apprenticeship programs. A student may only petition for the conversion of non-credit learning experiences to academic credit for courses in the student’s declared curriculum program of study. No more than 25% of a student’s curriculum program credits will be awarded through the conversion of non-credit learning experiences. CFCC reserves the right to require documentation supporting the equivalent quality of the learning outcomes, instructional content, and instructor qualifications of any non-credit learning experiences for which a student petitions conversion to academic credit. CFCC will also require documentation that a student satisfactorily completed within the last five years any non-credit learning experiences for which the student petitions credit conversion. CFCC’s Chief Academic Officer must approve each student petition for credit conversion. Students who feel they may be eligible for the conversion of non-credit learning experiences to academic credit should contact their academic program’s director for additional information.

Educational Partnerships

Cape Fear Community College and its partners work together to provide a variety of academic, cultural, and work-based experiences designed to enhance the educational experience of students and improve the quality of life for local residents.

Partnerships with Business and Industry

Work Based Learning

CFCC partners with local business and industry to offer students on-the-job training opportunities through Work Based Learning. Participating students may earn college credit using approved work experience(s) specifically related to their educational program goals. Work Based Learning classes include WBL 110, WBL 111, WBL 112, WBL 115, WBL 121, WBL 125, WBL 131, and WBL 215. Employers and organizations interested in having a Work-Based-Learning student are urged to contact the Dean of Career and Technical Education at 910-362-7009 and see our web page:

Student Enrollment Criteria: To qualify for one of these classes, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old. Students under 18 years old may participate if they have approval from the college and worksite. They must also complete an online NCDOL Youth Employment Certificate. The responsibility for filing the certificate lies with the employer.
  • Must be enrolled in a program that offers WBL courses.
  • Transcripts or degree audit must be attached with your application.

Please Note: Individual programs may have additional requirements for enrolling in a Work-Based-Learning work experience course.

Registration Process: To register for a Work Based Learning course, a student must submit an application directly to the WBL instructor. After the college has approved the application, the student may register using WebAdvisor/Student Planning or through his/her academic advisor during the registration period. A Work Based Learning application is required each semester the student plans to enroll. The application is available online (

Please note: Work-Based-Learning courses may not transfer to four-year institutions. Students should always check with the receiving college or university to verify transferability of any course. The college reserves the right to limit work-based-learning experiences based on the appropriateness, applicability, and location of the position.

For more information, please see the Work Based Learning Web page: or contact the Dean of Career and Technical Education at 910-362-7009 or your lead instructor (AAS programs only).

Partnerships with Community Agencies

Service Learning

CFCC partners with local community service-based agencies to provide students enrolled in select classes the opportunity to complete service learning activities to fulfill requirements for a course project.  The goal of service learning is to integrate into an assignment meaningful community service activities that help students better understand the course content. These activities should:

  • Provide opportunity to apply ideas and theories learned in class to a reflective, service-based experience;
  • Help students become more interconnected with the community through their contributions.

History Teaching Alliance

The History Teaching Alliance (HTA), a partnership between CFCC, UNC-Wilmington, high schools, and local public historical sites and organizations, coordinates events designed to appeal to the intellectual curiosity of history educators and students.  For more information about the HTA, please see our Web page:

Partnerships with Four-Year Institutions:

CFCC partners with public and private North Carolina four-year colleges and universities to provide a clear pathway from associate degree coursework to baccalaureate studies.

Statewide Comprehensive Articulation Agreements: The following transfer articulation agreements between North Carolina community colleges and North Carolina colleges and universities provide qualifying AA, AE, AS, and AFA graduates clear guidelines for transferring from CFCC to a four-year college or university in North Carolina:

  • The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between North Carolina community colleges and North Carolina public universities.
  • The Uniform Articulation Agreement between the University Of North Carolina Baccalaureate Engineering Programs and North Carolina Community College System Associate in Engineering Programs.
  • The Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between North Carolina community colleges and 24 North Carolina independent colleges and universities.

Bilateral Agreements: CFCC and select UNC institutions have bilateral agreements that provide qualifying graduates of AA, AS, and some AAS programs a pathway for transferring coursework into a four-year degree.

Select AAS programs:

  • Qualifying graduates have the opportunity to transfer to UNC-Pembroke and earn a Bachelor’s of Interdisciplinary Studies through online learning courses or face-to-face courses that UNC-Pembroke offers on the campus of CFCC.
  • Qualifying graduates have the opportunity to transfer into UNC-Wilmington’s Education of Young Children bachelor’s program.
  • Qualifying graduates can transfer to NC Wesleyan College to earn either a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or a Bachelor of Science in Education. Both degrees are offered partly at a CFCC campus and partly online.

AA and AS (college transfer) programs:

  • CFCC and UNCW Bilateral Agreement: Qualifying graduates have assured acceptance into UNC-Wilmington, provided graduates have completed the UNC-Wilmington application process and met all criteria stipulated in its bilateral agreement with CFCC. Graduates are admitted to UNC-Wilmington on a space-available basis; spring applicants may be deferred to the FALL SEMESTER If space is not available. 
  • CFCC and NC Wesleyan College Bilateral Agreement: Qualifying graduates can transfer to NC Wesleyan College to earn either a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or a Bachelor of Science in Education. Both degrees are offered partly at a CFCC campus and partly online.

For more information, refer to the “College Transfer General Information and Articulation Agreements” section of this handbook and see our Web page:


The Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program (C-STEP) is a partnership between Cape Fear Community College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The goal of C-STEP is to identify high-achieving students who would not otherwise attend a selective college or university; to enroll these students in the Associate in Arts/Science program at one of the partnering community colleges; to mentor these students through successful completion of an Associate degree (AA/AS); to transfer these students, as juniors, to UNC-Chapel Hill; and to support their successful completion of a baccalaureate degree. Students who successfully complete their Associates degree (AA/AS), and remain in good standing with the C-STEP program are guaranteed future admission to the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.  Students who are interested in the program should contact the program liaisons via email or


The Pirate Promise program is a partnership between Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) and East Carolina University (ECU).  This partnership guarantees admission to ECU for CFCC students who meet the qualifying requirements.  The program is designed for students in their first year of coursework at CFCC.  Participating students will receive the benefit of a waived ECU application fee, be invited to attend special events, and receive joint academic advising and support as they apply to ECU.  By participating, CFCC students will have a seamless degree completion pathway to ECU.  Students interested in this program should visit


SEA-Path is a joint agreement between Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) and University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) to provide qualifying students an opportunity to complete a transferable Associate’s Degree at CFCC and then seamlessly transition to UNCW with guaranteed admission.  CFCC students dually enrolled through SEA-Path will have the opportunity to take up to three classes at UNCW (one per semester for up to three semesters).  UNCW will provide a $200 scholarship for each dually enrolled course, up to three courses.  In addition, SEA-Path students will have access to UNCW student services, facilities, programs, library resources, and the UNCW application fee will be waived.  To participate, students must meet and maintain the eligibility criteria.  For more information, visit

Independent Study

CFCC provides the opportunity for students to pursue, on an individual basis, subjects in the students’ major area of study. Independent study is not intended, nor will it be allowed, as a substitute for existing courses as listed in the schedule of classes. If the student is preparing to complete the last full semester of study prior to graduation and the college is unable to offer a major course required for a degree, independent study may be considered. In an independent study arrangement, the student first seeks approval from the respective department chair who then works to identify an instructor to supervise the study. The chair will contact the student to let them know if there is an instructor available to supervise the study. The student then meets with the instructor. The instructor provides a course outline and discusses course requirements and expectations with the student.  The instructor then notifies the appropriate chair who authorizes scheduling of the course. The number of credits may vary. Current tuition rates apply, as do standard grading policies. Independent study opportunities are for students who:

  • are currently enrolled in classes at CFCC
  • have earned a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA
  • have completed 12 credits in their major program of study
  • have met the pre-requisites and/or co requisites of the course proposed for independent study

Independent study courses are subject to the consent of the department chair and the availability of qualified instructors. Courses are run by semester and all work must be completed within the semester dates. Only one (1) course taken as independent study may be applied toward an associate degree, diploma, or certificate.

North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement

Through an agreement between the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Community College System, high school graduates are eligible to receive CFCC credits for certain courses upon presentation and evaluation of a high school transcript.  Courses eligible for CFCC credit can be found in the articulation agreement.  Copies of the agreement are located in the offices of high school counselors. Award of credit will only be given for courses that are required in a student’s CFCC program of study.  Criteria to award college credit:

  • Students must enroll at the community college within two years of their high school graduation date.
  • A grade of “B” or higher is required for the course.
  • A raw score of 90 or higher is required on the standardized Career and Technical Education (CTE) post-assessment score report.

Any student wishing to receive credit should submit both an official high school transcript and CTE post-assessment score report.  The Registrar’s Office should then be contacted for transcript evaluation.  

Career and College Promise (Dual Enrollment/Early College)

The Career and College Promise Program allows qualifying high school students the opportunity to enroll in college classes in order to earn both high school and college credit upon successful completion of CFCC courses. This program offers the following pathways:

  • Career and Technical Education Pathway
  • College Transfer Pathway
  • Cooperative Innovative High School Pathway (or Early College High School)

The Career Technical Education Pathway allows high school students the opportunity to enroll in a CFCC CTE Pathway that aligns with their high school career cluster programs. To be accepted into this program, students must meet the following criteria*:

  • Be a high school junior or senior;
  • Have an unweighted GPA of 2.8 on high school courses or have the approval of the high school principal or designee;

*Some CTE pathways include courses that require testing prerequisites for enrollment. 

The College Transfer Pathway allows high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to complete core general education classes required during the first two years of a four-year degree. To be accepted to this program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a high school junior or senior;
  • Have an unweighted high school GPA of 2.8 or higher;
  • OR demonstrate college readiness in English, Reading, and Math on an assessment or placement test such as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or the CFCC Placement Test.
  • Meet all program prerequisites.

The Cooperative Innovative High School Pathway (or Early College High School) allows students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and up to two years of college credit within five years. CFCC partners with New Hanover County Schools and Pender County Schools to host three early college high schools. Pender Early College High School (PECHS), Wilmington Early College High School (WECHS), and Southeast Area Technical High School (SEA-TECH) are connected to CFCC.  Students must have the desire to attend a smaller school with high expectations for academics and behavior. Admission to the program is granted by each respective school system.

For more information on college courses available to qualifying high school students, visit our website at


myCFCC is a web-based portal that links all aspects of campus life to create a community environment. It provides services such as e-mail, campus announcements, message boards, calendars, and discussion groups. Accounts are created upon acceptance to the College. Students are encouraged to check myCFCC on a regular basis to receive important college information. A link to myCFCC is on the College’s website at